Serial 1 Bash Mountain (single speed mountain ebike?)


Well-Known Member
With the introduction of the "new" generation of Serial 1 bikes a new model has been added. The BASH/MTN is a single speed, belt drive pedalac and like it's brother the Mosh City, it has no front or rear suspension. It does come equipped with the nice little Suntour NCX suspension seat post and knobby tires but that, as they say, does not make a mountain bike make. Appears to be the exact same frame and Brose motor as the Rush Models with the single drive of the Mosh City Model scabbed on. I guess it is a mountain bike for non-mountain bike riders?

You can probably guess that I'm scratching my head about this one. I really like my Rush City Speed and had they provided us Gen 1 purchasers an upgrade path to the new ride stats App included with the "new models, all might be good in the Serial 1 owners world. But when a manufacturer creates a "new model" with few if any hardware changes and then technologically obsoletes the previous generation bikes a year later, that is problematic. At a minimum demonstrates a serious lack of judgement by the Serial 1 leadership and the optics are frankly horrible.

In any case, this new BASH/MTN model will likely sell to non-mountain bike riders and that, introduces a new generation of non-mountain bike riders to non-mountain biking ... (roll eyes)
There's a few good feature of the bike but not any that are relevant to mountain biking. I had to laugh at the picture they published of a rider 3 feet in the air on a trail. Several companies are very misleading in the advertisements, especially when it comes to marketing a non capable mountain bike as real trail worthy. Buyer beware!
Rigid single speed MTB's harken back to the origins of the sport. In fact to this day you can probably find some die hards that still flagiate themselves riding them in a variety of off piste terrain. But the problem is that the reason they do is mainly because they are against any and all innovations that have occurred over the last 40 years and at the most have adopted 29" wheels and disc brakes and are unlikely to subscribe to the addition of motor assist so I see the market for a bike like the above to be very limited in scope? And at $4k very much over priced to boot for what it is.
There's a few good feature of the bike but not any that are relevant to mountain biking. I had to laugh at the picture they published of a rider 3 feet in the air on a trail. Several companies are very misleading in the advertisements, especially when it comes to marketing a non capable mountain bike as real trail worthy. Buyer beware!
What goes up, must come down ... :)
The Serial 1 bikes are all general purpose riders and frankly, they are great if you want a quiet, ride around town bike path kind of ebike. For most ebike buyers and riders, they are a well made, nice component, excellent warranty solution that is better than most.
i love my mosh / cty and was up to no good with it yesterday tearing around town and off the beaten path. Its light enough compared to my speed that i can sling it around and I'm hardly in my seat much to begin with.

I just love these bikes. The only thing the nerd in me wishes is better auto recording / smart features that are in v2 bikes. Hopefully by V3+ they will have ironed out any kinks and I will be ready for an upgrade. I love my serial 1 bikes. Yes, I would have loved to be included with the smart features and I am loving what i got right now.

Some might be upset and it is what it is. I am rooting for them to keep expanding and building out. I would love a front/ and or full suspension eMTB, and if they could build it off the Mosh frame, it would be a major hit.