Rohan HELP!!

Bruce 55

New Member
Hi ... been looking at your bikes and I’m falling in love with them,, if there Is such a thing ... wife gets freaked out at the price of the batteries .. well actually price of bike too but I think I could talk her into the Stunner bikes ..step for her and the Over (What I call a mans bike) for me . I like the idea of sitting up straight for me have lower back problems from time to time ... but how do I convince her we won’t be buying a battery ever few years? You can do that you have two bike sales . Was Actually looking at the Juggernaut Classic but unsure if I would be able to sit up straight enough ? So give the line that will convince her we won’t be buying batteries every few years . Thanks
If I remember correctly, the estimated life of one of these batteries is approx. 800 to 1000 charge cycles. So if you rode every day and pretty much fully discharged and recharged your battery each time, it would take you about 2, 2.5 years before you would notice the battery wasn't holding as much of a charge anymore. And that's worst case. Maybe you only ride every other day. Now it is 4 to 5 years. Maybe you only discharge your battery 50% on average. Now it is 8 to 10 years.

Very rough calcs, but essentially: don't worry about the battery.
In my experience, riding 5000km per year, you'll notice range loss in the third year. With satiator/smart charging techniques that will be reduced. I mostly use the satiator because it's fast, safe, and informative (and my partner and I use it daily for top up to 85%).

Buying new battery pack every three years is no biggie! This is of course if you ride heavily like us. Ride lots, enjoy the bikes to the fullest, and get newer, better batteries when it's convenient... Not expensive compared to the cars and trucks our ebikes replaced :D
Not expensive compared to the cars and trucks our ebikes replaced :D
The e-bike is only going to replace (for the most part) my standard bike. It will have zero effect on my car usage. Some batteries are very expensive. The Juiced battery for the RCS is $1300 to replace. I wouldn't want to replace that every few years!
The e-bike is only going to replace (for the most part) my standard bike. It will have zero effect on my car usage. Some batteries are very expensive. The Juiced battery for the RCS is $1300 to replace. I wouldn't want to replace that every few years!
I have several battery packs, the oldest is a 6 years old LiFePO4 lithium pack, and it has more than 11k miles on it. It's ready to be replaced. I have another 5 year old lithium ion (18650) pack that performs nearly as good as 2 of my 1 year old packs. Maybe 10 to 15% less range. I'm amazed by how good my packs are holding up. If you take care of your pack I believe it will perform well for 5 or 6+ years. Use best practices. There are many threads here for that advice. Packs will slowly degrade, treated well you can really slow that degradation.
Going to show this to the boss and help her relax a bit ... these bikes will be recreational use ... ride em a few times a week ... with the pandemic our travels are a holt for this year so these will be our vacation money for some fun and also when we get to travel again we can tour where we are at!!
BTW guys the boss just read this stuff and has a big thank you ... So Stunner over and Swift are going on order soon!!
Good for you! If you really get into riding there are so many payoffs. You'll see things on rides you could never otherwise see. Meet great people and you'll improve your health. Enjoy! And welcome to the club.
Just a little update ... we have a Stunner Over and a Stunner X with 3 inch wheels .. wife and I have been using these bikes daily.. updated my seat and she’s loving her bike ...confidence growing daily for her we haven’t road in years ... so thanks everyone for comments and help!
Thanks for replying. Their website says only "DHL" while they customers say other companies! Very bad they have wrong site information!.

Hahaha, really? Honestly I think it's amazing to be delivering bikes anywhere near on-time during this first COVID year, regardless which couriers get picked, the most important attribute of the year is AGILITY hands down... the capability to adapt to constant changes in supply chains and logistics disruptions. Biktrix has been absolutely kicking butt at adapting to these disturbances 👍