Recognition of the extraordinary state of this particular forum and its focal point


Well-Known Member
Were we to look at the automobile market of 1900 or 1908, we might see parallels for the plethora of ebike manufacturers today. The personality of an ebike company that lives is derived foremost from its creator. A creator who pushes his own, god-given persona, has a leg up. Mr. Harris does not promote himself, directly. But his words and prior actions, do. An achiever by nature, he also fails to deliver on details, such as product delivery promises. These vital shortcomings to you, the pre-payer, are not his shortcomings, per se, but the strictures of a growing presence in a difficult yet expanding market in these, the most interesting of times for ebikes, as year 1900 (for instance) was for the internal combustion automobile. Tora Harris is a sort of Henry Ford, I do think!

Guess what I used to drive for many years as my sole conveyance and restored, improved, to be as reliable as anything made today? And is my current vehicle, a CCS, any different? (no, Tora Harris' CCS and other products are equally epoch-making in their field.)

Local scene near thirty-five years ago,
I was young once too! exclaimed a respondent to this video. He still is.

Local scene near thirty-five minutes ago,
(eighteen million three hundred and ninety six thousand minutes later).

The CCScene today replaces the Model T. And with my own labor it would grow. And this was all the harvest that I reaped, notes myself and brother creator Tora Harris and all like minded members of this forum in equal chorus.

Pontificating? No. This op is no pope of wisdom. He has merely listened to that song for decades. It is a piece adapted by Laurence Tibbett from the Rubiayat of Omar Khyam. That is to say,

our lives, all our lives, are reflections of the truth of our temporal being here as individuals, our daily imperative to perpetuate ourselves toward making a mark to help improve the future for our posterity so that they may have more comfort and security than we were able to know.

Bottom line: Tora Harris may fail us in this myopic term. But he cannot fail himself and the human imperative. He is a champion of excellence by his very nature. This posting is intended to remind him to that he must never lose heart or quit. He is the perfect man in the scheme of humanity, for he strives, intends well, and fails before succeeding. Like Henry Ford or any superior role model or allusion you may care to conjur,

cream rises and health to us all results.
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@Reid - What a great post and I must say you add as much to this forum as you apparently did to the Model T forum. Folks reading this thread, click on the link Reid provided, very interesting.

I find it interesting (sad) how some have made personal attack’s against Tora saying he is a bad businessman. It is his business model to collect the payment upfront as it is with many other small businesses with a small margin. If people don’t like that business model, that’s understandable, but that doesn’t make Tora a bad businessman as I believe he sells a quality product.
Thanks for a poetic post, @Reid. I think a lot of us appreciate, not just the CCS and other Juiced products, but also the significance of producing these products with this quality for this price at this time in growth of ebikes.

A forum like this is a way to share information. Some of that information will be positive and some will be negative. It's all helpful, to us the end users and to Juiced Bikes.

Repetition of the same problems doesn't provide more information. It doesn't move closer to a solution. It doesn't help the next cyclist with their bike.

I hope that those of us who offer information, kudos or complaints, will continue to build this awesome database. I hope those who use the forum to vent their spleen will let it go and contribute something valuable.
That post with its incredibly purple prose is the most over the top thing I ever put to the internet.

But I guess it would be worse if I were actually a Tora Harris fanboy.


I am?

Oh. Never mind,
(thanks, Bruce, Luis, Tora and every person on this forum)
Thanks for a poetic post, @Reid. I think a lot of us appreciate, not just the CCS and other Juiced products, but also the significance of producing these products with this quality for this price at this time in growth of ebikes.

A forum like this is a way to share information. Some of that information will be positive and some will be negative. It's all helpful, to us the end users and to Juiced Bikes.

Repetition of the same problems doesn't provide more information. It doesn't move closer to a solution. It doesn't help the next cyclist with their bike.

I hope that those of us who offer information, kudos or complaints, will continue to build this awesome database. I hope those who use the forum to vent their spleen will let it go and contribute something valuable.
I second that. Let's put an end to forum violenz!
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When I am old, I would like show my grand kids a book...

"Zen and the Art of E-bike Maintenance" by Reid Welch!

keeping all the Juiced Bike stuff aside, I must say..You have a great capacity to articulate thoughts and emotions and know your way with mechanical stuff. I bet that book would be a great read!
When I am old, I would like show my grand kids a book...

"Zen and the Art of E-bike Maintenance" by Reid Welch!

keeping all the Juiced Bike stuff aside, I must say..You have a great capacity to articulate thoughts and emotions and know your way with mechanical stuff. I bet that book would be a great read!
Dear World Champion Ravi, eleven years ago, your in-kind counterpart:
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The door.

Our immortality is premised, is made an imperative, by our recognition of our each-individual mortality.

Our genuine drive to affect good is a intelligent, genuine good-human imperative, that old imperative to be alive to succeeding generations, forever.

The door.

I'll just tell you this what-for: it ain't complicated after all.

(And Laurence Tibbett drank himself to death in despair that he was not heard or understood or would be valued after mere personal death.)

It is a great topic. Ebike makers and promoters, for our example, are truly pro-life, pro-life without edicts, pro-life for freedom and increased happiness for our mutual posterity.
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When I am old, I would like show my grand kids a book...

"Zen and the Art of E-bike Maintenance" by Reid Welch!

keeping all the Juiced Bike stuff aside, I must say..You have a great capacity to articulate thoughts and emotions and know your way with mechanical stuff. I bet that book would be a great read!