Questions about 2022 Turbo Como and Vado


New Member
I am thinking about purchasing a new 2022 Turbo Como 3.0. But the pics I see it seems it has a molded fixed handlebar. But I cannot find any definitive information either from Specialized or my nearby dealer. Anyone have any info? And if it is indeed fixed would a Vado be a good second choice as although it has a more forward position the newer Vado seem to keep the ability to adjust and even change out the handlebars. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
I am thinking about purchasing a new 2022 Turbo Como 3.0. But the pics I see it seems it has a molded fixed handlebar. But I cannot find any definitive information either from Specialized or my nearby dealer. Anyone have any info? And if it is indeed fixed would a Vado be a good second choice as although it has a more forward position the newer Vado seem to keep the ability to adjust and even change out the handlebars. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
I have seen the 2022 Como with my own eyes at a Specialized Brand Store. Indeed, the Como handlebars are of "designer's" type and are intended for comfortable city rides. It does not look to me you could do anything with the Como bars. Decidedly, Vado would be far more customizable in that respect.