I, too had issues with exactly the same thing. My shipping box was damaged and I couldn't get the front wheel on. To their credit, Customer Support was ready to pick up the bike and refund all my money. I got it though crowd funding, so I just worked with it. The battery wouldn't lock down, and it fell off when I did my first test ride. Here's the thing, though: the bike is bulletproof. Once I got it working, it was the most reliable e-bike I've ever owned (I've had many, and this was the cheapest price). I liked it so much, I sold my Pedego Trail Tracker. I rode that bike every day to work (30 miles, no problems). I go up a 7% grade hill, and the bike was really great. Not the fastest bike, but definitely worth the money. The kickstand did break, but I got a new one from Rad Rover within two days (no charge). Also my charger went out. Once again, customer service was on it.
I put 2000 miles on the bike in less than one year. I just sold mine. The reason: mid drive, baby. Yep, I got the mid drive bite and got rid of all my hub motors. My Bosch has just arrived and I really like my Currie Trans-x mid drive.
I have to admit, my eyes were a bit moist when I saw my 'Big Bear" going off with his new owner. Maybe it's me, but I actually form a relationship with my E-bikes. I know it sounds silly, but they bring me so much joy!
I have nothing but positive things to say about the bike and the Rad Rover company, and I am one tough customer. You will love your bike, but more importantly, it will love you.