Its a great little bike in many ways but the surge in level one is terrible. I have 2 mid drive and two hub drives. I bought this for my wife because of value and craftsmanship. I now regret that decision. We can not ride together at slow speeds. Every time she pedals she surges past me..and has to coast till I catch up. There really isn't the ability to get a workout at lower speeds unless you are at 0. 1 is way way to powerful.
Now at 0 it does very well. It is light and maneuverable.
The reason we got ebikes is to climb and cover territory. It does those very well. But we also like to smell the roses at times. With this bike, if your peddling even under the lowest power are moving fast or surging...
Its a shame ..because in other ways its such a nice bike.
Now at 0 it does very well. It is light and maneuverable.
The reason we got ebikes is to climb and cover territory. It does those very well. But we also like to smell the roses at times. With this bike, if your peddling even under the lowest power are moving fast or surging...
Its a shame ..because in other ways its such a nice bike.