Owner referral?


New Member
It looks like there is a referral program that rewards current owners and new purchasers for buying a Rad Power Bike. Any current owners want to be my referral?
Sure, why not? Mike Sanders The funny thing is that when I bought my bike in the store I don't remember them asking me for my name. Maybe they took it off of the credit card.
Hi...I'm also interested in purchasing the Rad Rover soon...if any current owners want me to add them as a referral then message me.
Hi, I plan on ordering a RadWagon today or tomorrow. If someone has a referral code or however it is registered when ordering please send me a PM or reply to this post.
Hi, I plan on ordering a RadWagon today or tomorrow. If someone has a referral code or however it is registered when ordering please send me a PM or reply to this post.
Ellie Van Doornum, Thanks and have fun with your new purchase!
Hopefully you will get your gift card. From my latest experience (and I know of another member on this forum) we never got ours and they have completely ignored our emails asking what is going on. I did get a gift card once but only after a couple of months and several emails. If they are not going to honor this gift card program they should eliminate it. As a whole I've had good customer experience with them, but in this area they have completely dropped the ball.
Good to know, kind of a bummer, but at least I'll keep low expectations about getting the gift card. Luckily I work from home and have some free time throughout the week to harass them if the opportunity is needed and presents itself :) I appreciate the replies, I'll just use the first reply unless it doesn't work then work my way down. Thanks again!
Good to know, kind of a bummer, but at least I'll keep low expectations about getting the gift card. Luckily I work from home and have some free time throughout the week to harass them if the opportunity is needed and presents itself :) I appreciate the replies, I'll just use the first reply unless it doesn't work then work my way down. Thanks again!
If you end up using my wife as the referral we will send E-mails from our end too. The wait is not a big deal, but for them not to honor it, is!
I used your wife's name Mark, so feel free to start pestering them for your gift card if you want :) I'm going to wait to receive the bike before I start the harassing emails. Hopefully it's pretty painless, but sounds based on the above that is can take awhile. I also used a $75 off code when ordering, I know in their terms they state no stacking. I don't see it as stacking, but thought I'd mention it in case they bring it up. thanks again.
I used your wife's name Mark, so feel free to start pestering them for your gift card if you want :) I'm going to wait to receive the bike before I start the harassing emails. Hopefully it's pretty painless, but sounds based on the above that is can take awhile. I also used a $75 off code when ordering, I know in their terms they state no stacking. I don't see it as stacking, but thought I'd mention it in case they bring it up. thanks again.
Thanks, and we will start pestering to see if it speeds things up! Let us know when you get your bike and how you like it. Also, I don't see it as stacking either. Good luck to the both of us!
Not to break up the referral circle but if you Google "Radwagon discount codes" you will find one for $100 off. If you use it, referrals will not apply. Quicker if you do an image search if I remember correctly.
I just placed an order yesterday and made a referal of a member from the forums. I will let you know what happens.

If you want to use my name and try the lottery referral please do: Timothy Taylor
I heard back from the company regarding my gift card. Since they said they send them out on the first friday of each month, I shot them an email on thursday. They said you cannot stack a referral code with a discount code. Since I got the discount already, they wouldn't send the referral gift card as well. But @Mark in CA , they said you would receive the gift card. I am not sure if they send this through email code or snail mail, but if you don't get one by next Friday I'd hound them about it. Because my email from them explicitly says you get one.

If anyone is looking to buy a bike, feel free to use my name Jordan Geiman , so I can become whole :) I'm not going to fight them on it. Not a big deal to me. I see why they say it is stacking, but I don't see in their terms where they say that. Seems like 2 separate discount functions. But whatever.