Managed to get out for a quick blast in the hills, started in the cute little Yorkshire town of Settle, it's next to the Pennine trail,
which is a set of bridleways across North England, its a good 800ft climb just to get to the trail start and I past these two local walkers
on the way, got the friendly Northern 'aye'.
I was hoping to visit this local attraction of a few caves, but it was out of bounds for the bike and protected by rather large stiles, couldn't be arsed walking so passed it by.
At this point I'd already climbed...well the bike had...1400ft, and yes that is snow, the tiny remnants of quite a good coverage last week, the path started off very rough and full of broken branches, but dried out and the only challenge was very sharp rocks and various steep climbs over them
Quite a climb, and a feeling of accomplishment, took a lot of concentration to make it up over the rock gardens without taking chunks out of the rims.
This wasnt snow, it was some evil substitute called white quicksand, it was like trying to ride through half melted ice cream, even the fattie tyres failed miserably.
Got to the top and bleak didnt describe it, windswept, featureless, cold and quite daunting actually, these horses seemed unconcerned and it was rather odd to find them here.
This is as close as I got to the caves, even though this is obviously a farmers track in good use, on this day I felt like I was the only human alive.
I'd battered the battery so it expired after 12 miles, luckily in the perfect place for a free ride back down the trail in Settle.
Nothing spectacular to report, a bit muddy and windy to really enjoy it and even for me just a bit too close to dangerous by myself.
The area has much more to offer than this short ride, its even in one of the Harry Potter movie, but I'll wait for the summer to return