Nyon BUI275 vs BUI350


New Member
What of those two it is better for GPS Navigation?
To be honest this is the only reason I want to upgrade the Intuvia when I buy the e-bike.
I know that BUI275 is many years old, but are there any so strong features on BUI350 to be choosen instead of the huge BUI275's screen?

PS: Use inside the city, no mountains.


the old nyon is a easy upgrade. it takes several seconds to boot up over the new one. elevation has to be set each time so thats annoying if you want that accuracy. its easier to follow the map on the old nyon as its bigger and better laid out, but they both seem the same on their mapping. you have a watts per mile gauge on the old nyon. Your setup the screens all from the webpage or app on the old nyon the new one you setup the screens on the unit its self. I like to do it on my computer its easier. the altimeter auto sets on the new nyon is its more useful. navigation takes getting used to on the old but once you get the hang of it its fine. it also keeps you assist level after you turn it on. on my iphone i always asks it it can connect to the nyon each time it looses the connection that gets annoying. could be because I have two nyons so who knows?
That's a good notice.

My alternative solution is to keep the Intuvia and apply a smartphone mount on the handlebar space for a smartphone like Samsung Galaxy S9 (not plus model) which can be removed once I don't need navigation and place it on the saddle pack.
or better then a garmin longer battery life easier to see and will do more things.
or better then a garmin longer battery life easier to see and will do more things.
Garmin Edge or Wahoo Elemnt.
What are the advantages of a Garmin 530 / Garmin 830 for bikes in compare with a good smartphone (like Galaxy S9) + Google Maps (for navigation)?
I can afford both options, so I'm making a market research.
I have never see in action the Garmin bike GPS. For Google Maps on smartphone I have a view.
the battery lasts longer its easier to see in the bright light. you can connect things to it like HRM cadence lights and such, its easy to record your rides and keep track of mileage and such. a lot less bulky. though I want a garmin with a touchscreen. You can also use radar with the gramin and connect lights to it. they all turn on and off when you turn it on and off.
What are the advantages of a Garmin 530 / Garmin 830 for bikes in compare with a good smartphone (like Galaxy S9) + Google Maps (for navigation)?
  • I would say that Google Maps is the worst bike GPS navigation system. Far better systems such as RideWithGPS or Mapy.cz exist for smartphones;
  • Smartphone is vulnerable in case of crash. I would have never placed my S21 Ultra on the handlebar (using far less expensive phone instead);
  • Smartphone reacts badly to rain droplets: it thinks you are touching the screen and different apps are inadvertently activated;
  • You hardly can operate a smartphone in gloves
  • Smartphone with the screen on is eating the battery charge very quickly: you might need to use a powerbank/battery pack.
I rode for two cold/wet seasons with smartphones on the bars: Damaged one of them, and now I'm on the way to lose another. That's why I'm fed up with smartphones as the e-bike thing.

I'm not a Bosch based e-bike owner so cannot say anything about Nyon navigation (Europe might be better served by it than North America).

As fooferdoggie wrote, a Garmin (especially the 830) offers these benefits:
  • Long battery life
  • Less vulnerable than a smartphone (there exist protection covers for bike computers, too)
  • No issues to operate in the rain
  • Good -- bike oriented -- maps. Map-centric approach offers many nice features such as uploading routes created in other apps, automatic re-routing, route planning on the fly, etc
  • A lot of information about your performance, information on climbs ahead of you and many more.
  • Connecting to sensors such as heart rate monitor. Now, I don't know how good bike computer connects to your Bosch e-bike but @fooferdoggie can tell you more.
  • Recording your rides and sending them to Strava (the most popular cycling app in the world). Nyon seems to be Komoot oriented.
  • Possibility to buy a handlebar remote to flip the Garmin data screens.
I hear good things about Wahoo Elemnt bike computers but tried none (I could see how Garmin Edge 530 really operated on Giant Trance E+, a Yamaha based e-bike).
The Intuvia can output 5V @ 500mA (approx 2.5W) into your phone, just enough to keep the battery up if the screen is on all the time, you'll need a special cable though.
The new Nyon is completly new hardware, now with touchscreen and much less price than old Nyon.
Because there is only one kind of plug since 2010. In 2014 they bring the new intuvia. Intuvia is same system like nyon. In 2022 comes a new plug-system and new software. Then , it will not work anymore.
Nyon 2021 navigation is awful here in the US. I miss my Kiox and phone mount (charge phone from Kiox) Nyon does not provide usb charge port and together with a phone makes my sleek cockpit look ridiculous with 2 large screens. I hope they update/overhaul Nyon navigation soon, currently it is anti-helpful and actually quite dangerous to use for me.