Now is time to comment on BLM June 9th deadline regarding E bikes on BLM/Interior Public Lands


New Member
This may be covered elsewhere, but I thought I would post this link to the Dept of Interior website that is accepting comments until June 9th to change definition of Motorized Vehicles to exclude Class 1 Ebikes. The web page shows a total of 4700 comments as of yesterday, which does not seem like a lot and many of them may be advocating against the change., so hopefully the E bike community will pony up now and send in some support comments. Here is the link where you can include your comment if your agree that this change should happen:
This may be covered elsewhere, but I thought I would post this link to the Dept of Interior website that is accepting comments until June 9th to change definition of Motorized Vehicles to exclude Class 1 Ebikes. The web page shows a total of 4700 comments as of yesterday, which does not seem like a lot and many of them may be advocating against the change., so hopefully the E bike community will pony up now and send in some support comments. Here is the link where you can include your comment if your agree that this change should happen:
That site seems set up to Discourage commenting. Have to do it anyway, of course, but if that is the best our taxes can get, they could have done better with a free blog.
huh? There is a large blue "comment" box in upper left hand corner of page. Is it not working? I went for a long ride today and have not made my comment yet.