New Turbo Vado


New Member
Aloha E Bike Riders,
6 weeks into owning my first E bike and I love it! I live in an area with lots of steep hills and the E bike has opened up a lot of options for rides. How I found this site was somewhat unfortunate! My Turbo Vado 5.0 went into the shop because the electric motor has failed. Only 500 miles on the bike so this was unexpected to say the least. I bought locally and name brand so issues like this would be resolved quickly. Other than this failure I really like the bike, its solid, well built and rides nice with the slightly larger tires and front suspension. Now it's wait and see how Specialized and the local bike shop handle this warranty issue.

Johns turbo vado 5.0 10_2020.JPG
Hi John! Sorry to hear you had the bad experience. Hopefully, the matters will be resolved to your satisfaction soon!
Hi John and welcome. Sorry about the failure, but you’re dealing with a first class company and they will stand by their product. Try to be patient.