all the bags are ibera, i bought the medium triangle bag and now I almost wish I had gone with the large. But it is a pretty good aesthetic fit
I had to modify the locking mechanism for the side bags/panniers for them to fit really good. I took about 4mm off of the locking pieces for them to fit really good. I can now take all my books to school, with a bike lock cable in the frame bag. I need to put some essentials in the frame bag like an air pump and a tube or patch kit. That's still a work in progress. The cobi sustem didn't agree with my android so I had to moung my old cell phone holder. That doesn't look so good on the bike but it was almost necessary because even if i took the phone out of my case the cobi mount would touch the side buttons.
I had to modify the locking mechanism for the side bags/panniers for them to fit really good. I took about 4mm off of the locking pieces for them to fit really good. I can now take all my books to school, with a bike lock cable in the frame bag. I need to put some essentials in the frame bag like an air pump and a tube or patch kit. That's still a work in progress. The cobi sustem didn't agree with my android so I had to moung my old cell phone holder. That doesn't look so good on the bike but it was almost necessary because even if i took the phone out of my case the cobi mount would touch the side buttons.