Motor Compatible with NCM Moscow?


New Member
Is there anyway I can replace the rear wheel and the motor with a different make?

Bafang for example? Would a bafang wheel and motor work with a das-kit controller?

The wire has broken off the motor and I was thinking about buying a faster motor considering I need a new wheel.


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You will need to buy a new 9 Pin cable and solder it... I think getting a new motor is a lot easier and quicker way.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Can I fit any type of motor onto the bike?

Does it have to be a das-kit?
When my other bike´s wheel became useless I ordered a kit for then $250*. Got a much sturdier whl
& motor which was simply plug & play; never used the rest of the kit. That whl/motor´s still great,
having outlived the bike it was on. My display worked for spd. & charge, which was really all i need.
I figger it wud work on my NCM if as a spare, but no need yet to try. Still, having the rest of the kit,
I may put it on my old road bike if I ever get that ambitious. *Saw same kit on ebay, $209 USD
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When my other bike´s wheel became useless I ordered a kit for then $250*. Got a much sturdier whl
& motor which was simply plug & play; never used the rest of the kit. That whl/motor´s still great,
having outlived the bike it was on. My display worked for spd. & charge, which was really all i need.
I figger it wud work on my NCM if as a spare, but no need yet to try. Still, having the rest of the kit,
I may put it on my old road bike if I ever get that ambitious. *Saw same kit on ebay, $209 just
the other day.

Would you be able to provide the link
Would you be able to provide the link
I bought my kit from Calibike( .com ). but their price has since gone up. I´ve seen the same kit on
ebay for $209 USD in ebike kits. The hub motor is silver whereas most others are black. Says it´s 1000w. but
thatś peak. Most hubs are 370 rpm this one goes to 430 rpm which allows for the peak wattage. It´s
really just a fast 500w with plenty of power. It plugged right into the 6 prong power connect on my
defunct CCS same as on my NCM moscow & is still fine after the CCS frame warped & became unridable.
Worked fine without having to change the controller... for me anyway. I think it´s European, no markings
on the spun stainless case, just a Calibike sticker, good wheel with 12g spokes.
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Just checked the calibike site; they´re not selling the 48v 1000w anymore. Just 52v 1500w thru 6000w
kits. They now specialize in 40 mph bike kits if your thinking of getting wild. Shipping to down under
would likely be pretty steep in any event, but you might find the same 1000w kit at a more local site.