So I'm looking at an interesting used cargo trike on CraigsList, delta upright, cargo area back, and it's got a transaxle in the middle which the pedals (above the front wheel) go to with gears, with 2 separate chains going back to each rear wheel. If I get it I'm going to electrify it, and I'm considering if I should just go with a basic BB type mid-motor, which I bet will work fine, or try and do something with a completely separate motor which sits in between the pedals and the transaxle (with the gears), and then from the motor to the transaxle, or even just figure out if I can add a freewheel sproket on the transaxle and do the motor direct to there and leave the pedal drive path alone.
I do already have a low end, cheap ~500W front hub I've been using on a regular bike and a CAv3 & up to 48v (max 58v actual) 20a controller from, so mostly need to figure out where to put the motor. Given it's fairly large trike and I'll be adding a storage area on the back (currently open frame) I was thinking at least a 1000W 48v or 60v motor, start with my existing controller/CA and upgrade the battery & controller eventually. Basically oversize the motor, and kick up the power if it seems to need it.
In some of my basic looking around I found (Link Removed - No Longer Exists) which looks great, can handle all the power I might want, and compact, efficient, relatively quiet, and seems to be a built-in freewheel so I might even be able to mount it to the transaxle with a static sprocket direct, or I'd have to add another sproket axle in front of the transaxle/gearing and do the double sproket as if it was attached to the BB/cranks.
So I know without pictures it's kinda hard to see, but I'm looking for general feasibility thoughts, so nobody snatches it up from under me If I buy it I'll definitely be posting lots of pictures
I do already have a low end, cheap ~500W front hub I've been using on a regular bike and a CAv3 & up to 48v (max 58v actual) 20a controller from, so mostly need to figure out where to put the motor. Given it's fairly large trike and I'll be adding a storage area on the back (currently open frame) I was thinking at least a 1000W 48v or 60v motor, start with my existing controller/CA and upgrade the battery & controller eventually. Basically oversize the motor, and kick up the power if it seems to need it.
In some of my basic looking around I found (Link Removed - No Longer Exists) which looks great, can handle all the power I might want, and compact, efficient, relatively quiet, and seems to be a built-in freewheel so I might even be able to mount it to the transaxle with a static sprocket direct, or I'd have to add another sproket axle in front of the transaxle/gearing and do the double sproket as if it was attached to the BB/cranks.
So I know without pictures it's kinda hard to see, but I'm looking for general feasibility thoughts, so nobody snatches it up from under me If I buy it I'll definitely be posting lots of pictures