Merry Month of May, 2023, N Hemisphere


Well-Known Member
Petaluma, CA
What is going on in your area that is bike, eBike related, Green and community based for transportation and re-creation in the Merry Month of May, 2023? We have bike to school day May 5th. And are launching sheep an goats with demos and kid friendly activities this weekend on a 20 acre, 8 hector, peninsular open space park with ponds, birds and wildflowers. It has a new gravel bike trail loop, There will be a danceable band and demonstrations. It is mostly for fire protection. The peninsula has water on three sides. What about your area for May?
What about your area for May?
Poland will experience yet another Long Weekend.
  • April 29th - Saturday
  • April 30th - Sunday (grocery stores exceptionally working, so-called "trade Sunday")
  • May 1st - International Labour Day
  • May 2nd - hardly anybody would go to work (grocery stores working)
  • May 3rd - The Poland's 1793 Constitution Day.
For me, the Long Weekend would mean a lot of long rides if not occasional raining or thunderstorms on certain days. Also, there would be trouble to buy any food on my trips on May 1st and 3rd.