Mastermind TCD losing miles on ride distance


New Member
United Kingdom
My Tero 4.0 randomly (and intermittently) loses miles on the TCD ride distance metric.

It happens like this:

- I reset the ride distance each time I use the bike, so I start the day with 0 miles.
- I ride 15 miles today. The TCD shows 15 miles ridden and the ride is recorded in the app as 15 miles. It syncs with Strava and that shows 15 miles. Everything is in sync at this point.
- BUT tomorrow morning, I will turn on the bike and the TCD will now show 10 miles instead of 15 (it reduces to 2/3 of the actual distance, never more or less, when it happens).
- The record of the ride in the app will still show 15 miles ridden on the last ride, so I know I'm not going mad! But the bike has reduced that to 10.

Now this isn't a major deal for me because (1) its intermittent and (2) I reset the metric before each ride anyway, but it is weird and does make me curious as to what is going on. Anyone else experienced this?
Very strange. A random thought: It almost sounds as if your TCD is converting what it thinks is km to miles. I have no idea why that would happen, let alone overnight.
Very strange. A random thought: It almost sounds as if your TCD is converting what it thinks is km to miles. I have no idea why that would happen, let alone overnight.
I had thought about that - some kind of km to m conversion, but it's not the right formula to be exactly that. It's close but not there, and if it was doing an actual conversation it would be precise.

Also, I have the bike set to display miles, so it would be converting the wrong way in any event. The number needs to get bigger if converted to km.

It did it today when I went to a friend's house, turned off the bike and then turned it back on about an hour later. So it's not charger related.
Very odd. Only 2 reasonable explanations:

1. A small space-time discontinuity has settled in your area and periodically drifts through your bike. If you happen to be on it at the time, you might notice a slight ringing in your ears or a sudden craving for Star Trek reruns.

2. More pranks from the mothership orbiting behind the moon. They originally came to eat us. Found the taste pretty yucky but quickly discovered that we're a lot of fun to mess with and decided to stick around just for the entertainment.

Obviously, I have no clue. Please report back if you figure it out.
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Is the ratio always the same? If so, the number must mean something.
I used to think it was always reduced to 2/3 of the actual mileage, but yesterday was different - an 8.6 mile ride got reduced to 6.4. A very different ratio to what I was seeing before.

I will start keeping a written record because I was not doing that before, if there is a pattern keeping records is going to be the only way to discover it.