Luna Lander fork?

Worth every penny for riding off road. On road you probably wont notice much of course. They changed the stance of the bike a bit, which I like. It feels like you can hit the bumps a little more aggressively. Kind of like the bike has a better approach angle.
They are longer. I compared the height of my bike with the new Luna's to my wife's with the stock Mozo. My handlebars were an inch or so higher. Keep in mind that will raise the top bar a bit. (I guess I should have taken that measurement...sry guys.) I can still straddle the top bar with out any discomfort, but I do notice its a little higher.
The Luna's are silky smooth with great rebound. It's not adjustable unfortunately, but they have a good factory setting on them. Being an air shock, the ability to dial in the degree of suspension you want is wonderful. They really soak up those big bumps and ruts, and smooth out the little stuff quite well. I have not bottomed them out except for the day I first put them on and was trying to on purpose.
I also really enjoy the remote lockout. Not having to bend down while riding to lock the fork out is a very nice feature.
Everything that is attached to the stock Mozo fork will swap over with no modification needed. If you have a 2018 Teo with 180mm rotors then you will have to buy a 180mm adapter.

All in all my wife and I really love them. I would highly recommend them for anyone who is riding their bike off road.