Good input,
@Uuzd4S. I couldn’t quite bring myself (yet) to spring for 4-piston Tektros, but I can absolutely see the argument: lots of weight, lots of speed. E-bike tech is an emerging and evolving field. Larger rotors and 4-pistons may be ubiquitous one day. One other thing I’ll say: organic pads may be great on acoustic bikes, but they aren’t suited to the higher temps and friction. I blew through my first pads in about two months. Treat yourself to sintered pads! Ok one other other thing I’ll say: I’m amazed there aren’t yet more known players in the e-bike disc brake market - ie brakes with electric cutoffs. Shimano and SRAM don’t make them. Tektro has a near monopoly. I’m sure this will change. And yes, I’d love to believe your suggestion that Logan will get better in time. Ride on!
Ohhhh, Ubiquitous . . . Luv the sound of that word so I finally goggled the meaning and will be using it soon ! Good Stuff

Yea, I've never tried sintered pads on my old RCS, probably because I'm German & a bit too OCD to let my brain actually fire on more than two neurons at a time. Once in a while that third Neuron kicks in that's been bouncing round the right hemisphere and I think, That may be a good Idea !?! I did however wear out my 160mm Rotors on Resin pads at about 5K miles and installed the Tektro 203mm's. That proved to be a Good idea as there was a very noticeable difference in the Braking rate, IOW, they had a more "progressive" feel & better control. I'd just switched to another new set of 203's @ 16K on the original RCS and put it up for sale.
The 160mm stock rotors are Barely adequate for this heavy Fat Tire E-bike, especially when it's loaded w/ all my gear, accessories, backpack & fat ass. I had a couple of Panic stops w/ the original 160's and they held up OK, it's the extended use of braking where you felt a noticeable amount of Fade w/ the Resin pads. The 203's absorb more heat and extended braking definitely held up better than the 160's but I'm sure I've been close to brake fade with the larger rotors on a few occasions.
The choice behind sticking w/ Resin pads was simply to save on Rotor wear. The Tektro HD-E725's came out of the package w/ Resin pads & 180mm Rotors and so I'm going to wear those out before installing the 203's I have waiting on the shelf. Obviously, the larger pad footprint with the 4 piston calipers are going to absorb more heat, and therefore
should produce less Rotor wear. I'll likely wear out the 180's on the New RCS, swap to the larger 203's w/ Resin pads and then follow w/ some sintered pads just to have a comparison. Here's a link to the
E725's on that Jungle website.
Somewhere in my search for replacement brakes for the Logans, I found an article on speed ratings for Tektro Brakes and according to that spec sheet, the stock 160mm Rotors under the E350 Brake set isn't sufficient for the RCS. I'll see if I can locate that article and drop it in the thread here.
Hope the Hyperlink works, it's my first attempt at inserting a "link" into a word/sentence.
Happy Trails BlueRidgeDude !