This is the response from Stromer--
"First, the bike needs to be powered for the connectivity functions to work. If not, any command sent will be back logged. When the bike is powered on, it will receive the backlogged commands provided there is good GSM reception.
That brings me to your range question. Range is infinite provided GSM (cellular) reception is available. The app works through GSM, not Bluetooth or something similar (like your tv remote) where range is critical. This means you can access your bike via your phone anywhere in the world, as long as both the phone and bike have GSM reception.
“Locking" the bike is done on the bike itself. This will prohibit any key pad access, and if the bike is moved, it will then enter “Theft” mode. Should this happen, the lights will flash, the rear wheel will “lock up” preventing someone from riding it, you will receive notification your bike has been stolen, and it will communicate it’s GPS location every 10 minutes. “Theft” mode can be activated manually through the cell phone app as well, and again, this can be done from anywhere in the world provided GSM reception is adequate.
Ollie Dine
Operations Manager – North America
Office: 800-819-4262 x 107
Mobile: 760-271-7066
Skype: oliver9215 "