I like that bike! Instant classic.Finally a shot in the wild... during my commute home from the office today along the Potomac River with the Washington and Jefferson Memorials on the horizon...
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I do like it so far… Although I don't think it has reached the renowned "broken in stage" yet…Vintage & classic; your bike and the view. Nice shot. Bet you love that Brooks saddle, too!
I use the Brooks B17, I like it very much. It does take time to break in and if you've been out of the saddle for a while your butt needs time to toughen up too. Did you get the Brooks maintenance kit with the bike? A little expensive for what it is, but the spanner fits into a tight space others won't and the Proofide will last years if properly applied. Proofide is available separately, it that's all you need. Leather saddles stretch more during the break in so you'll need to tension it once in a while. I also use a saddle cover for when I'm hauling the bike somewhere or when locked up at the rack. A Brooks saddle will last decades, so the investment of time and money is probably worth it... if it's comfortable!I do like it so far… Although I don't think it has reached the renowned "broken in stage" yet…
Hi - No, the saddle came with the special wrench, and a teensy "packet" of proofide -- I later bought a small tin, and have given the saddle 2 applications of it, about a month apart. Near as I can tell, it has not begun to stretch / "break in" yet... I think *I* have broken in a bit however... I've ridden 400 miles on it in the last 45 days.It does take time to break in and if you've been out of the saddle for a while your butt needs time to toughen up too. Did you get the Brooks maintenance kit with the bike? A Brooks saddle will last decades, so the investment of time and money is probably worth it... if it's comfortable!
This Sheldon Brown article might be helpful. https://www.sheldonbrown.com/leather.html