Let's see your best pic of your electric bicycle

My new 2017 E-Stream Evo 45 FS.

Dutch made marvel of design, my new Gazelle Arroyo seen here at Seattle's Shilshole Park/Golden Gardens Park yesterday. Thank you Court as I didn't know this spot existed until I started watching EBR reviews and you shot a Rad Bike review from here a few months back. I am hooked! It took a while but this bike is my new best friend.
Really nice beach shot! Kudos to you all on the west coast in 75 degree weather and able to ride your ebikes in comfort with such beautiful scenery during the fall/winter. All of us in the Midwest have to wait till spring for more comfortable ride. Enjoy!
Wife has a 2017 Rad rover, I have a 2017 Teo Fat bike. Both 750 watt.
most pictures are around Lynchburg VA. last one. Jensen Beach Florida.


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Wife has a 2017 Rad rover, I have a 2017 Teo Fat bike. Both 750 watt.
most pictures are around Lynchburg VA. last one. Jensen Beach Florida.

I like your trailer setup !!! Since you have two different brands , what are your pro's and con's comparing the two ?
I like your trailer setup !!! Since you have two different brands , what are your pro's and con's comparing the two ?

Rad rover. $1650
Has excellent costumer service. Had a cable problem, was sent a new one without question. Rad will power from a stop with throttle!, has 180mm disc brake rotors. Rad is an entry level bike. The battery is small 12amp/hr for a 750 watt bike. Better brakes are needed. The optional fenders and rack are needed but only an expensive option. So given that I ventured to find something better.
Teo Velo Bikes, Teo Fat Bike $1700 plus $148 shipping. (Canada) The bike comes with good hydralic brakes, 9 speed cassette, hidden wires, 17.5 amp hr battery, Battery intigrated into the frame. Fenders and Rack included [ on sale at the time ] and a large size offered.
The Bad, 160mm disc brake rotors. No bottle holder bosses. The bike was sold as having a 750 watt hub, not the Canadian 500 watt. Mine. And several others were shipped 500 watt. ( The Rad would leave me behind on a hill ). That issue is still being resolved! Offered parts exchange at my cost of shipping and disassembly. Then they intentionaly left the power cable out, thinking I didn't ship mine. I did!
Both bikes share the same "Mozo" front shock/forks, seat, and small headlight. Share the same Kenda tire
Both of ours have added a bar mount headlight, upgrade brake pads and caliper on the Rad. Upgrade 203mm rotors on the Teo. Swapped to Vee Rubber Mission Command. Mine (Teo) will be getting Luna Lander air shocks up front soon

If I bought bikes again I would really look at M2s bikes or put a little more $ on the budget and go with a Luna Bike

Get sized for a bike! If you question a large or small frame!

Keep in mind a vast majority of these bikes are made in China at the same factory just speced to the Bike shops desire
We are experiencing a nice high pressure system here in the PNW and I am taking full advantage of it. Today's 32 mile ride encompassed some varying terrain with 2800' of elevation gain and blue bird skies. Nice temperature in the 50's that was not too hot climbing and not too cold descending.
52v, 10.5Ah, 25A HL battery.

Range varies dependent on terrain and time allowable to ride. 17 miles averaging 30 mph and up to 40 averaging 15.

Speed varies but I am pretty happy cruising at 22-23 mph on level to rolling terrain and climbing steeper terrain at <10 mph. Most of my rides have about 2500’ elevation gain.

Recent readout

I’m only happy when I am going faster than I feel I could go analog. Doesn’t have to be way faster though.