Ref CrossCurrent AIR, a few months old
Love this bike (other than the rear brakes), when it works, but unfortunately reliability is an issue and I need something reliable for commuting.
One persistent problem is flaking out in the rain, and I live in the north west, where it rains.
Tech support suggested water might be getting into the connectors, so I wanted to ask, has anybody experience with spraying the connectors with a water displacer such as WD 40? Used to work a treat on the spark plugs of my old car when they got damp but that was much higher power. Is there any reason not to try WD40? Any other suggestions or experience with this of note?
Thanks. If I can get this one solved I can ask about the other issues....
Love this bike (other than the rear brakes), when it works, but unfortunately reliability is an issue and I need something reliable for commuting.
One persistent problem is flaking out in the rain, and I live in the north west, where it rains.
Tech support suggested water might be getting into the connectors, so I wanted to ask, has anybody experience with spraying the connectors with a water displacer such as WD 40? Used to work a treat on the spark plugs of my old car when they got damp but that was much higher power. Is there any reason not to try WD40? Any other suggestions or experience with this of note?
Thanks. If I can get this one solved I can ask about the other issues....