Interesting new battery technology


Well-Known Member
An aluminum air fuel cell...

"The first is to manufacture for the Asian market some ‘tuk-tuks’ – the three-wheeler taxis used by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge last week during their Royal visit to Pakistan. The second is to make electric bikes, which will be cheaper and run for much longer than those made by rivals."
I read the full article and the item, while being called a battery, is actually just a fuel cell. Would I want a fuel cell that I had to replace every thousand miles? Not really! I prefer to simply plug in my car whenever I'm not using it and walk off to let it recharge when I'm busy elsewhere, or sleeping. Piece of cake. And I always have a full tank of electrons ready at my disposal. (Disclaimer: I have an EV - a 2018 Leaf)

The technology in rechargeable batteries is moving faster towards solid state and I think THAT is going to be our future in about 4-5 more years.

Fuel cells might have been an alternative about 10 years ago, but have struggled with adoption due to distrbution issues. Frankly, I believe that the fuel cell ship has already sailed in regards to private automobiles. I also wonder if their usage for ebikes is any improvement over what we have currently.
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An aluminum air fuel cell...

"The first is to manufacture for the Asian market some ‘tuk-tuks’ – the three-wheeler taxis used by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge last week during their Royal visit to Pakistan. The second is to make electric bikes, which will be cheaper and run for much longer than those made by rivals."
This is really an exciting tech in the battery markets. Quoted:"The second is to make electric bikes, which will be cheaper and run for much longer than those made by rivals". If you can get 1500 miles from a Tesla EV, I cannot imagine what you could get on an E-bike with these aluminum cells. Hope to see more of this in the coming future. Makes a lot of sense to me for the long term in this space. Thanks for posting this article Dave!! 😊
An aluminum air fuel cell...

"The first is to manufacture for the Asian market some ‘tuk-tuks’ – the three-wheeler taxis used by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge last week during their Royal visit to Pakistan. The second is to make electric bikes, which will be cheaper and run for much longer than those made by rivals."

The lack of details in this article is disturbing.
They say multi-million pound deal and that would have been a big news in the research community and no details of the deal or the link to published patent or scientific paper.
This article is a nice example of sensationalist journalism.
Look at the side bar ... full of gossip from Nicki Minaj to Lindsay Lohan...
Seems like people have been tinkering with this for a few years, and apparently there are real world military applications in use already.
It'll be interesting to see how this evolves.
The lack of details in this article is disturbing.
They say multi-million pound deal and that would have been a big news in the research community and no details of the deal or the link to published patent or scientific paper.
This article is a nice example of sensationalist journalism.
Look at the side bar ... full of gossip from Nicki Minaj to Lindsay Lohan...
Ravi- I was waiting for your response with this new tech. Sorry to hear "no big news in the research community and no details" I find this very disappointing, to say the least. I had a nagging thought this may had the possibility that it was "too good to be true" from the get go. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one for sure! :rolleyes:
Ravi- I was waiting for your response with this new tech. Sorry to hear "no big news in the research community and no details" I find this very disappointing, to say the least. I had a nagging thought this may had the possibility that it was "too good to be true" from the get go. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one for sure! :rolleyes:

Billions are being invested on battery technology, which tells you the EV market still has a long way to go, and even grow. Battery tech has come a long way, but with the billions if not hundreds of billions being spent, a whole lot of companies believe that they can capture some big upside. A side bar of this is that you'll frequently see these types of articles, where individuals or small players you never heard of, try to get their small share of the huge money's being thrown at this.

The good news is that EV's of all types aren't going away, and only getting better.
While Still read these NEW BATTERY stories, I no longer get excited. I'll be taking my dirt nap by the time eBikes see any significant technology filter down.
Incremental improvements ;)

“Panasonic Corp plans to boost the energy density of “2170” battery cells it supplies to Tesla Inc by 20% in five years and commercialize a cobalt-free version “in two to three years”, the head of its U.S. EV battery business said.”