Hola from Brooklyn

Long time bike rider. Recently relocated to work that's closer home and can easily commute with a bicycle. But having tried the electric bike share in Madrid 2 weeks ago, I was amazed by how much more ground I could cover and the speed at which I could cover it. Especially hills.

Anyone familiar with the BiciMAD bikes I'm talking about in Madrid? Curious what their specs are.

I hear naysayers claim electric bikes aren't bikes but I say it's you, only better.
I was able to get the card right from their kiosk. I just filled in the information on the touch screen. The GUI was a bit clunky and your info is kinda out in the open for any passerby to potentially see. I think you have to enter your passport info. They put a $150 dollar hold on your credit card for the duration of the rental (not 100% sure if that's all they would charge you if it was stolen). WAY better than Citibike's $1000 lost bike charge though. Hell.. I should strip bike of parts for $150 bucks haha.

You pay 2 Euros for the first hours and 4 for the second or any part there of. So I guess if you rode it for 30 minutes it'd only be 1 euro. If you rode it and 1.5 hours it'd be 4 euros (2 euro for 1st hour + 2 euro for 50% of 2nd).

Local residents pay a modest yearly fee but get it at a reduced rate of 0.50 euro for the first hour, I think.
Tony, euro spec bikes are max 250 watts and limited to 15mph max speed assisted. The US has widely varying laws by state, but the general specs are max 750 watts and 20mph max powered speed.