Hello from Vancouver WA


New Member
My name is Tom and I just received my new to me (Used) ANcheer folding e-bike. I got it from a neighbor who knew nothing about it other than her 96-year-old father bought it when he lost his driving privileges due to his age. Within just a very short time after obtaining this little jewel, he rode it twice and crashed and crashed both times. The bike was picked up by my neighbor and put into her garage 2 years ago. Her dad at 98 has moved into an assisted living facility and his daughter was left to dispose of everything he couldn't take with him. This is where I got involved. I purchased the bike because I wanted one to put in our motorhome when we go traveling. I thought I got a very fair price fully expecting to have to replace the battery which hasn't been maintained for over 2 years.

Now my two issues are #1 when I was going to remove the battery I discovered there was NO key available to unlock it. None of the family members has any idea where to begin looking for a key lost 2 years ago. I then contacted ANcheer for assistance, all I can say is no help... My big question is, are the keys for these battery locks rather universal. In that I mean in RV's a small 751 utility key will open about 99% of the side doors on most RV's. I'm hoping these battery keys are about as secure.

Issue #2 I discovered when test riding the bike the derailleur has been damaged in one of the afore mention accidents. When I shift down to the 1st gear the chain is directed off the gear cassette between the inside gear and the spokes. I found a matched replacement and hope swapping out the damaged one will be easier than my battery issue.

I welcome any insights to either of my problems from this group of far more experienced people than I on the topic. I really am looking forward to many happy POA miles on our camping trips. Sorry for the long post. -Tom
My name is Tom and I just received my new to me (Used) ANcheer folding e-bike. I got it from a neighbor who knew nothing about it other than her 96-year-old father bought it when he lost his driving privileges due to his age. Within just a very short time after obtaining this little jewel, he rode it twice and crashed and crashed both times. The bike was picked up by my neighbor and put into her garage 2 years ago. Her dad at 98 has moved into an assisted living facility and his daughter was left to dispose of everything he couldn't take with him. This is where I got involved. I purchased the bike because I wanted one to put in our motorhome when we go traveling. I thought I got a very fair price fully expecting to have to replace the battery which hasn't been maintained for over 2 years.

Now my two issues are #1 when I was going to remove the battery I discovered there was NO key available to unlock it. None of the family members has any idea where to begin looking for a key lost 2 years ago. I then contacted ANcheer for assistance, all I can say is no help... My big question is, are the keys for these battery locks rather universal. In that I mean in RV's a small 751 utility key will open about 99% of the side doors on most RV's. I'm hoping these battery keys are about as secure.

Issue #2 I discovered when test riding the bike the derailleur has been damaged in one of the afore mention accidents. When I shift down to the 1st gear the chain is directed off the gear cassette between the inside gear and the spokes. I found a matched replacement and hope swapping out the damaged one will be easier than my battery issue.

I welcome any insights to either of my problems from this group of far more experienced people than I on the topic. I really am looking forward to many happy POA miles on our camping trips. Sorry for the long post. -Tom
Before replacing the derailleur I suggest trying to adjust/repair what you have.

Does the derailleur appear to be vertical? If so, the limit screws can be used to keep the chain from 'jumping off' the cassette. If not, the derailleur hanger may have been bent. Many bikes have hangers that can be replaced. If the Ancheer does not, the hanger point on the frame will need to be straightened. You can use an adjustable wrench on the hanger to get this close so the derailleur is vertical. Your LBS should have a jig that will dial this in if needed.

If the derailleur arm (the assembly holding the wheels that support the chain) itself is bent, it's probably best to replace the derailleur and go from there.

This Park Tool video details derailleur adjustment. Limit screws are covered starting at 1:14.

This Bike Guy Video demonstrates straightening the derailleur hanger with an adjustable wrench starting at 8:07.
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My name is Tom and I just received my new to me (Used) ANcheer folding e-bike. I got it from a neighbor who knew nothing about it other than her 96-year-old father bought it when he lost his driving privileges due to his age. Within just a very short time after obtaining this little jewel, he rode it twice and crashed and crashed both times. The bike was picked up by my neighbor and put into her garage 2 years ago. Her dad at 98 has moved into an assisted living facility and his daughter was left to dispose of everything he couldn't take with him. This is where I got involved. I purchased the bike because I wanted one to put in our motorhome when we go traveling. I thought I got a very fair price fully expecting to have to replace the battery which hasn't been maintained for over 2 years.

Now my two issues are #1 when I was going to remove the battery I discovered there was NO key available to unlock it. None of the family members has any idea where to begin looking for a key lost 2 years ago. I then contacted ANcheer for assistance, all I can say is no help... My big question is, are the keys for these battery locks rather universal. In that I mean in RV's a small 751 utility key will open about 99% of the side doors on most RV's. I'm hoping these battery keys are about as secure.

Issue #2 I discovered when test riding the bike the derailleur has been damaged in one of the afore mention accidents. When I shift down to the 1st gear the chain is directed off the gear cassette between the inside gear and the spokes. I found a matched replacement and hope swapping out the damaged one will be easier than my battery issue.

I welcome any insights to either of my problems from this group of far more experienced people than I on the topic. I really am looking forward to many happy POA miles on our camping trips. Sorry for the long post. -Tom
My suggestion about the battery key is to 1.) visit any locksmith and ask him/her for advice. This type of key is typically not very sophisticated. 2.) check around in shops and see if you can find a similar model in your area and try the key to see if it works. Sometimes the key has only a few different types and you might get lucky.