Hello from San Francisco


New Member
A few weeks ago I decided to finally get a bike again, after about ten years of not having one. I wanted to get unstuck from my area of the city (driving here is a pain, so I tend not to do it unless I really need to), and take better advantage of all the beautiful scenery, parks, locations around me. A friend strongly recommended I look into ebikes, so within days I was researching and test riding. Ended up ordering a Gazelle CityZen T10 from New Wheel here in town (they’ve been great so far), and while I’ve been waiting for that to arrive (a few more weeks, I think), I made the EXCELLENT decision to buy a helmet, which unlocked a whole world. Now I can hop on the bike share bikes throughout the city, including for my daily commute. Well, even though that’s not yet my ebike, that’s already changed everything.

Both commuting and some of my test rides (I’ve also ridden a few standard bikes) have unlocked an entirely different sense of the city for me. I feel newly connected to this place, and have already sensed the connection to other riders, especially in our groups on the morning commute. I’m hooked. I‘ve joined our bike coalition and I already feel invested and motivated in pushing for more and more bike infrastructure in town (we’ve made a lot of progress already). I feel a new freedom, an excitement to explore, and a new sense of community. Pretty amazing for buying a helmet and pedaling a few bikes, right?

In my enthusiasm I did indeed find a standard bike I loved as well, and picked that up this past Saturday. It’s a gravel bike, pretty sporty, and in the near term gives me something nicer to ride while I wait for that Gazelle ebike, but I intend to use it as my exercise and get-out-and-have-fun or big-adventures bike, while the ebike is going to be my daily commuter and go-to errands bike — it should be perfect for that. As you can tell, I’m pretty excited. Glad this forum is here, too.

A few weeks ago I decided to finally get a bike again, after about ten years of not having one. I wanted to get unstuck from my area of the city (driving here is a pain, so I tend not to do it unless I really need to), and take better advantage of all the beautiful scenery, parks, locations around me. A friend strongly recommended I look into ebikes, so within days I was researching and test riding. Ended up ordering a Gazelle CityZen T10 from New Wheel here in town (they’ve been great so far), and while I’ve been waiting for that to arrive (a few more weeks, I think), I made the EXCELLENT decision to buy a helmet, which unlocked a whole world. Now I can hop on the bike share bikes throughout the city, including for my daily commute. Well, even though that’s not yet my ebike, that’s already changed everything.

Both commuting and some of my test rides (I’ve also ridden a few standard bikes) have unlocked an entirely different sense of the city for me. I feel newly connected to this place, and have already sensed the connection to other riders, especially in our groups on the morning commute. I’m hooked. I‘ve joined our bike coalition and I already feel invested and motivated in pushing for more and more bike infrastructure in town (we’ve made a lot of progress already). I feel a new freedom, an excitement to explore, and a new sense of community. Pretty amazing for buying a helmet and pedaling a few bikes, right?

In my enthusiasm I did indeed find a standard bike I loved as well, and picked that up this past Saturday. It’s a gravel bike, pretty sporty, and in the near term gives me something nicer to ride while I wait for that Gazelle ebike, but I intend to use it as my exercise and get-out-and-have-fun or big-adventures bike, while the ebike is going to be my daily commuter and go-to errands bike — it should be perfect for that. As you can tell, I’m pretty excited. Glad this forum is here, too.


Good for you! Welcome to the forum. Cycling opens a world not seen in any other way. I love the sights and scents of the different seasons; the views of parkland, forests and cityscapes. The explosion of scents in the spring of spruce and hemlock along forest trails. The smell of leaves and earth in autumn. Even the scent of manure on the farm fields in late winter. When I smell the fields, I know the warm spring is right around the corner.

Enjoy your new bikes! Do share pictures when you can.