Hello, all...


New Member
Logging in from Eastern Massachusetts here, been riding e-bikes since summer of last year; previously motorcycles for the past 57 years. Started with the Heybike Mars, then Lectric XP 2.0, Ariel Rideal (my favorite so far) and waiting for warmer weather to seriously ride the BeeCool Explorer and Magicycle step-thru, which arrived in January and February 2022, respectively. I enjoy riding back roads and bike paths, nothing too serious or strenuous.
Welcome to the forum!

I'm out your way riding the Cape Cod Rail Trail, the Shinning Sea Trail, the Cape Cod Canal trails and the dune trails at the Cape Cod National Seashore a couple of times a season.

The Massachusetts e-bike laws are the most confusing of any state I ride in. Have you had any problems where you ride?
Nice to hear from you! I agree that the MA e-bike laws are confusing, fortunately I haven't run into any difficulties though. The Assabet River Rail Trail is only about a mile from me, it's mostly nice / pastoral but has more than its

share of intersections with busy roads. I haven't done any of those Cape trails, but they sound good.
Logging in from Eastern Massachusetts here, been riding e-bikes since summer of last year; previously motorcycles for the past 57 years. Started with the Heybike Mars, then Lectric XP 2.0, Ariel Rideal (my favorite so far) and waiting for warmer weather to seriously ride the BeeCool Explorer and Magicycle step-thru, which arrived in January and February 2022, respectively. I enjoy riding back roads and bike paths, nothing too serious or strenuous.
Welcome to EBR. Sounds like you arrive with a full stable of eBikes. Or N+1 as the forum phrase says.
Well, the Heybike and Lectric have gone by way of Craigslist, and the goal will be to have 2 when all is done. Transportability (to distant trails, etc.) was important to me, but the two folders were unwieldy to fit into my Kia sedan. Sliding the Rideal into the trunk (minus the front wheel) turned out to be much easier. For the fat tires, modification of an Allen hitch rack has been an ongoing project.