Does anyone own a Mondo Footloose ???

Ken M

Well-Known Member
I'm very interesting in knowing if anyone owns a Mondo Footloose and currently riding it as a normal eBike. This is an interesting product because the pedals and not traditionally functional in that they don't drive the rear wheel put charge the battery (which I guess allows some "functionality" to driving / powering the bike in a traditional way.

I think this eBike passes as a Class 1 ebike in the US because its under 750W (a nebulous specification if ever there was one) and it can't go over 20mph regardless of the rider weight (ie it's govern to not go faster regardless of rider weight).

Does anyone have any sales data for Mondo eBikes in the US and Canada or can tell me how I could get it? I guess I could call Mondo and just ask for some "range" sales results as they may be private about sales numbers unless they have to publish as a corporation.