Considering using Garmin Vectors as torque input for custom e-assist


New Member
United Kingdom
Yes- this is serious nerd stuff!
I have a custom made e-assist system in a "Quattrovelo velomobile" (look on to find what that is) It has a modified hub motor driving the left pedal via a short chain drive and then a conventional chain/derailleur system to the rear wheels. The motor is controlled by an external Grinfineon unit and a Cycle Analyst 3 (CA3) computer. The bottom bracket is a Schlumpf Mountain Drive (two speed epicyclic reduction gear) so using a standard BB torque sensor is not possible. As I have Garmin 3S power pedals I've been investigating a way to use the (wireless) signal to provide the torque data to the CA3. Obviously this would need a BTE/ANT+ receiver and some micro-circuitry to output an analogue wired signal to the CA3. The current system works very well but of course needs a thumb throttle which is "unapproved" although the CA3 overrides any inputs to keep within the 250W/25kph limits. Any clever electronic specialists out there? I would obviously recompense any successful developer!