Commuter for a hilly city

Derek Babb

New Member
Hello, I have been researching ebikes for a while now but have yet to pull the trigger. I really like the idea of DIY but I worry about messing things up.

I currently bike to work every day on a Surly LHT but I would like to extend my range and decrease the time. My route to work is hilly with the majority of the hills on the return trip, also if I want to go downtown (according to google maps) on my trip home I would climb 423 feet and descend 256 feet.

I am interested in the Juiced CrossCurrent, especially because it comes in multiple sizes. I am 6'3, 205 lbs so a taller bike is preferable. I am worried that the small (350W) hub motor will not be able to assist on the hills.

I am willing to work, I am not looking for an electric scooter and I also like the idea of a 28mph top speed.

I would love advice, trying to stay around $2000 including fenders and a rack.
I would love advice, trying to stay around $2000 including fenders and a rack.

Certainly lots of bikes to choose from these days. While I have my radrover bike for fun adventures & errands, I certainly would commute it under the conditions described. From what I've read Juiced bikes are quite a good value, also. Have a fun cycle.