Bosch Powertube qustion


New Member
Hello everyone,

My first post here. Just got a Cannondale Moterra Neo 3 about 2 mos ago. Got about 750 miles on it so far. I have been having battery problems from day 1. Temperature too hot and system shuts down. This was occasional at first in Turbo mode only but now is worse. So I know it needs to go in for warranty but I just can't part with it yet and have been riding daily.
Ok here's the question. I bought a spare battery at Rei and the bike works flawlessly. The battery is dated 10/15/21...should I return this to REI for a newer one. It's basically a 2 yr old battery and had about 23 percent charge when I got it. I hate to return it for another faulty one but I don't want an old battery if it's already degrading. I could also just keep the new battery from Bosch and return the spare. I have till March. Sorry for the long post. Thoughts?