Bike Stand


Active Member
I've had my new Haibike XDuro Full Seven S RX for a couple of weeks now and am really enjoying the ride and the technology behind it. It is espescially appreciated by my 70 year old knees that have served me well playing basketball in my youth, years of fixed wheel cycling, surfing, motorcycling... but now need a little more help.
I wanted to buy a stand for the bike while in my shop but didn't care for what was out there so I built my own and wanted to share it with the forum as it is easy to make, sturdy, and I think looks pretty minimal. I used a cutoff of my yoga mat to pad the inside circles that hug the Bosch drive's two "domes". Covered the surface in some left over Formica laminates, and screwed it all together. Took a few hours of shop time.


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