Battery backpacks as a product


Wondering if a standalone e-Bike battery backpack is a thing yet. If it is not, I'm mulling whether to produce one or at least a kit instead of the hack jobs we are having to do now.

Repacked my Kriega R-15 backpack with styrene foam, cut and hot-glued to just the right shape for the 17.5 52V brick. Now it breathes well for battery cooling. Also have a really trick keyfob plug harness retractor that works like a postman's key. Keeps the wire harness pulled up around the waist so no more dangling wire.

This made me remember how much work it was a few years ago to research and select the right backpack; all the trips to REI to see the latest, measure and fit then finally roll the dice on a motorcycle pack online.

Now I know they aren't for everybody of course, but for the backpackers here is it somethning you'd be interested in if you had to do it all over again?

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