Aventon Level - battery rattles, how to stop it from rattling


New Member
I have about 70 miles on my new Aventon Level, and after two days of riding I have noticed the battery rattles every time I hit a road bump, etc.
Anyone having a similar noise issue?
At first, I thought the head stock was loose, but that wasn't the case.

My Level’s battery is very snug, although it is a bit loose if it is unlocked by the key. When locked, there is a steel plunder that engages to fully secure the battery. I’m not sure if the Level will turn on if the battery lock is other than locked, but if it will, that may be your problem. Is it possible your battery is not locked?
I have this exact problem. I used a frame strap to limit the rattle.
Wheelburns, after four attempts to contact Aventon Support, I finally received a response. They sent me a new battery. I will be testing it out tomorrow on my commute to work. Previously, I had been using a fabric strip to tie the battery in place, it worked but I shouldn't have to do this.
Wheelburns, after four attempts to contact Aventon Support, I finally received a response. They sent me a new battery. I will be testing it out tomorrow on my commute to work. Previously, I had been using a fabric strip to tie the battery in place, it worked but I shouldn't have to do this.
I already have a warranty submission for a bad brake lever and can’t get a response. I have been generally impressed with the bike, but Aventon’s customer service is non-existent.