Atlantic Canada - Nova Scotia to offer $500 rebate on E-bikes

Ravi Kempaiah

Well-Known Member
Back in early 2020, existing and prospective cleantech companies (including Zen E-bikes) wrote letters to the provincial legislators urging them to support cleantech infrastructure and offer rebates to bolster the market.
The results have just started coming in. Super happy with the progress so far. $500 rebate on E-bikes. I think this is an excellent start.

At the same time, Tesla started establishing their research center in Dartmouth, NS, and other companies like Novonix bringing in a $50M CAD investment and creating jobs in the province convinced the lawmakers to take this action in support of E-bikes and electric cars.
Ravi, Thanks for the info but the title needs some work (as does the similar comments in other threads).

Since it's just Nova Scotia, the Atlantic Canada part is just confusing and miss leading. It's the same as the Americans saying "New England - Massachusetts offers a rebate".

Now if you have other info that NB and PEI might also be offering a rebate I'm all ears ... lol.

Ravi, Thanks for the info but the title needs some work (as does the similar comments in other threads).

Since it's just Nova Scotia, the Atlantic Canada part is just confusing and miss leading. It's the same as the Americans saying "New England - Massachusetts offers a rebate".

Now if you have other info that NB and PEI might also be offering a rebate I'm all ears ... lol.


Some provincial legislators are open-minded but some are not. It takes a bit of effort to convince folks who have never ridden an E-bike, to be able to pass laws/regulations to subsidize E-bikes.
Those who have ridden it, immediately get it, others not so much. This year, we will make some effort to get other provinces onboard. In places like PEI, E-bikes are not as popular it is in BC or Ontario, but I am optimistic that they will catch up.
The $500 rebate in Nova Scotia for e-bikes, does it include all e-bikes including Class 3 speed e-bikes? In Quebec, we've had towns offer rebates to residents but it doesn't include Class 3 speed e-bikes(or faster).
Ravi, Thanks for the info but the title needs some work (as does the similar comments in other threads).

Since it's just Nova Scotia, the Atlantic Canada part is just confusing and miss leading. It's the same as the Americans saying "New England - Massachusetts offers a rebate".

Now if you have other info that NB and PEI might also be offering a rebate I'm all ears ... lol.

Just stumbled on this thread this morning. PEI does not offer any rebate that I know of, in fact, the government here just passed a law limiting e-bike power to a maximum of 500w for trails and bike paths; a very backward step IMO. Their limit of 32km/h again IMO, is a good move. It's early Sunday morning here and the reason that I am here doing this, is that I have not been sleeping well since the government implemented that 500w limit. It is going to hurt a few seniors who have e-bikes probably in the 750w range, if it is applied according according to the "letter of the law".
Just stumbled on this thread this morning. PEI does not offer any rebate that I know of, in fact, the government here just passed a law limiting e-bike power to a maximum of 500w for trails and bike paths; a very backward step IMO. Their limit of 32km/h again IMO, is a good move. It's early Sunday morning here and the reason that I am here doing this, is that I have not been sleeping well since the government implemented that 500w limit. It is going to hurt a few seniors who have e-bikes probably in the 750w range, if it is applied according according to the "letter of the law".
Yes, that would be a concern. I do hope that the change to the regulations is only applied in situations where there's been an accident or other incident (arrest for other reasons), and not to go after others who've purchased 750w rated ebikes and use them responsibly. This situation in PEI likely won't please ebike vendors who have been selling a "Canadian" version with 750w rated motors ... nobody wants to have to produce a "PEI version" unless perhaps it's just a paper derating. Unfortunately anything that makes more work for ebike vendors/manufacturers in a market as tiny as that in PEI likely means they just won't bother.

And to Ravi's original reason for this thread ... still no interest from the NB provincial gov on the topic of ebike rebates, but we continue to lobby.
E-bikes are appearing on the scene here, but not all that many as yet, given that we are a small market to begin with. Quite sure that no one has ever given much thought to an e-bike rebate here, although I believe that our government has just introduced a $5000. rebate for full electrics and $2500. for hi-bread
I have looked at Watt Wagons bikes as well, and wishing that I had one, but I stuck to Canada, and bought a Biktrix Ultra instead. Less money and less red tape. Now, with these new regulations here, the big question is, where can I legally ride it. Too powerful for the Trail and the bike paths, but too slow for the highway. At any rate, if all else fails, I have a couple of other bikes that might just come close in that 500w max. disaster. Speed wise, I'll be fine, it's spot checks that I fear, and I do most of my riding on the Confederation Trail, where in six years of riding I have never been checked even once.
Just noticed, BC is eliminating sales tax on e-bikes. "well done" BC !
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I could never understand why the B.C. government would not charge the provincial sales tax on a regular bike, but charge it on an e-bike. That never made sense to me.
They should take some of that carbon tax they've collected since (I think) 2011 and also give a rebate to e-bike purchasers. They do it for electric cars, so why not for electric bikes.
There is now a rebate for some electric cargo bikes.
I could never understand why the B.C. government would not charge the provincial sales tax on a regular bike, but charge it on an e-bike. That never made sense to me.
They should take some of that carbon tax they've collected since (I think) 2011 and also give a rebate to e-bike purchasers. They do it for electric cars, so why not for electric bikes.
There is now a rebate for some electric cargo bikes.
I was thinking much the same. shouldn't regular bikes be exempt as well. In the hands of younger fit people they a re a great way to get from A to B and with a lot less pollution, and that's the the " name of the game right now" isn't it.
I was thinking much the same. shouldn't regular bikes be exempt as well. In the hands of younger fit people they a re a great way to get from A to B and with a lot less pollution, and that's the the " name of the game right now" isn't it.

E-bikes are a lot more effective even for younger, fit folks.
If we have to get people off cars and SUVs, it has to be a workable solution. Until E-bikes arrived on the scene, the sales of bikes were very flat for a decade or so.
With the added incentive of rebates, 2 car families could THINK of becoming a 1 car + 1 E-bike family.
My Nova Scotia rebate was approved last week. They seem well organized and the on-line application was straight forward. I am so pleased that Nova Scotia among the few jurisdictions encouraging ebike adoption.
My Nova Scotia rebate was approved last week. They seem well organized and the on-line application was straight forward. I am so pleased that Nova Scotia among the few jurisdictions encouraging ebike adoption.

Good on the government there in NS. Lets hope that the newly elected government of next Tuesday will continue with this incentive. Given what is happening here in PEI, I'm not sure where we stand re;- e-bikes, any more.
Oh yes, they say anything less than 500w is welcome on the bike lanes, anything more, "go play on the highway". Not really great news for those with a 750 w bike.
E-bikes are a lot more effective even for younger, fit folks.
If we have to get people off cars and SUVs, it has to be a workable solution. Until E-bikes arrived on the scene, the sales of bikes were very flat for a decade or so.
With the added incentive of rebates, 2 car families could THINK of becoming a 1 car + 1 E-bike family.
Agreed, no matter what age, getting on a bike usually brings back pleasant memories, and brings back the kid in us. So much the better, if its an e-bike with torque assist and probably no throttle. All of a sudden, I have bionic legs. What could be better than that. Bring on the the head winds and the hills ! I'll head out for a 30 km ride instead of a 10 km and come home still in pretty good shape. Also maybe, since I'm getting fitter, I'll take the bike to work tomorrow, instead of the car. "Gosh I almost forgot" I'm over 80 and I don't go to work any more. These e-bikes are a "god send" to us older demographic.
Replace the second car, sure. But since the e-bike is a fair weather machine, probably best to hang on to at least one car also.
Question? if you had your choice, would you put a throttle on most e-bikes ?
Thanks, you are doing great work, and I can hardly wait until you are cranking out your bikes in volume, in Nova Scotia. Personally, I would love to try one; my wife, not so much.
Agreed, no matter what age, getting on a bike usually brings back pleasant memories, and brings back the kid in us. So much the better, if its an e-bike with torque assist and probably no throttle. All of a sudden, I have bionic legs. What could be better than that. Bring on the the head winds and the hills ! I'll head out for a 30 km ride instead of a 10 km and come home still in pretty good shape. Also maybe, since I'm getting fitter, I'll take the bike to work tomorrow, instead of the car. "Gosh I almost forgot" I'm over 80 and I don't go to work any more. These e-bikes are a "god send" to us older demographic.
Replace the second car, sure. But since the e-bike is a fair weather machine, probably best to hang on to at least one car also.
Question? if you had your choice, would you put a throttle on most e-bikes ?
Thanks, you are doing great work, and I can hardly wait until you are cranking out your bikes in volume, in Nova Scotia. Personally, I would love to try one; my wife, not so much.

Thanks for your comment.
We will have an event (if the public gathering rule permits) in October and we will have some of the prestigious companies and scientists attending the event.
At this event, we would like to educate the general public on the benefits of E-bikes, E-bike laws (rebates) and offer test rides. Please do attend if you can. Please me your contact info and I shall be in touch.
Thanks Ravi, That event would be of interest to me for sure. Better yet, if some PEI government officials could be enticed to attend, would be great as IMO, they need a lot of catching up to do to get "up to speed" in this area.
I received my $500. rebate a few days from the Nova Scotia program, so it does indeed function. You apply online with a scan of your receipt and include the serial number and lbs. Only bikes purchased locally apply sp no direct marketed bikes. Cheque arrived in a about 3 weeks. Apparently, it's faster to do e-transfer. Anyway, not only a good program, but very efficient.
We just had a change in our provincial government and I hope the program continues.