Hello all! I've been lurking about this excellent forum for several weeks now and finally decided to join and ask for advice on my ebike purchase. Here are my stats:
If anyone has experience testing these or comparing/contrasting any combination of the three, I would be so appreciative for any details you could give me. I'm interested in how comfortable the ride is, how well they accelerate from zero in traffic, and how easy it is to attach panniers to the racks because some of them seem to have no anchor point at the rack bottom for a bungee clip (I have 2 Arkel bags). Also, if you know of other ebike options I should consider, please share that as well!
Thanks so much!
- I am a 41-year old female, 5'10" and 135 lbs, physically fit, living in the center of Atlanta, GA
- I currently commute to work by bike around 3 times per week; I ride a Raleigh Capri 1.0 with rear pannier rack, about 4 miles each way
- I'm looking for an ebike to give me an option for work commute when it's ungodly hot (which is much of the year), so I don't show up in such a mess. My route is slightly hilly, but not San Francisco hilly; I do not plan to ride "off road"; I'll be on streets or paved bike paths.
- I think I would be fine with a 20mph max system and am looking to stay under $4000
- I can store my bike inside my house and inside my office.
- I'm a little concerned about how much these bikes weigh, but I do not expect to be hoisting it onto a bus rack or up/down stairs for example
- Trek Super Commuter+ 7
- IZIP Moda
- Raleigh Redux IE
If anyone has experience testing these or comparing/contrasting any combination of the three, I would be so appreciative for any details you could give me. I'm interested in how comfortable the ride is, how well they accelerate from zero in traffic, and how easy it is to attach panniers to the racks because some of them seem to have no anchor point at the rack bottom for a bungee clip (I have 2 Arkel bags). Also, if you know of other ebike options I should consider, please share that as well!
Thanks so much!