Hello from Germany!


New Member
Just wanted to introduce myself. I am an American but have lived in Germany for many years. I have always biked o and from work here. But as I was geting older, it was becoming less fun and more work. So I took advantage of an employee/government offer here in Germany and leased an E-Bike. For 3 years I ave been riding not only to work, but as my hobby. I live in Souther Germany where it is very hilly and boy do I love this thing. In the last three years I have pedaled over 16,000 kilometers. My bike is a Pegasus EVO 10 lite. Has a Bosch motor. I also have the Bosch smart system because I just took another 3 year lease on the same bike bu with the 750wah battery and the smart system. Anyhow, I am happy to join this forum, Prost!
Welcome to the Forums! It looks Pegasus is yet another popular German brand as I have heard about it in Poland, too!
Sehr erfreut!
Welcome to the Community. I grew up in the foothills of the Alps myself and used to ride my standard "Drathesel" visiting the different Mountain Farms of my Family. No doubt you must be in top condition having done 16,000 Km in that environment. I should do that now and get back into shape myself, Prost to you too !