George Jetson
Many thanks to the contributors of the similar thread started in 2015. Unfortunately, two years is like a millennium in bike gear time. Since then, Ortlieb lost their licensing agreement with Racktime and no longer offer any gear outfitted with the snap-it mounting system. They were the primary domestic supply source in the US, now there are none.
So, we are left with either using something else that works pretty well, or looking to the EU for bags that are compatible with the 60mm narrow Racktime rear rack that comes on the ST series. The beauty of the snap-it system is that with a turn of the wrench, you can use them on either the 60mm or 90mm Racktime racks. They are also easy to attach and detach and stay firmly secured to the rack when in use. Using the snap-it system also has a very clean appearance, especially if you're only looking for an urban trunk bag, as opposed to a full pannier array. You can always buy just the snap-it adapter on its own and attach it to any bag you want, if you have the right hardware to make sure its durable and stable while in use. Their youtube video shows taking a wooden record crate and doing just that, but I personally don't want to mess with that.
I wanted to start this thread because most of the links on the 2015 thread are dead or lead to discontinued, out-of stock products and, as I mentioned, suppliers for snap-it products have changed. So, after searching for some time on various sites, I found exactly two actively sold trunk bags equipped with the snap-it system. Both of them are only available from suppliers outside of the U.S., so you should plan for the lag time accordingly.
The Racktime TALIS trunk bag is available from various online bike retailers. I've included a link to a popular site in Germany, ROSE bike. Being the official Racktime bag, there are no worries about compatibility to the ST2 rack. It runs about $60USD and looks pretty nice.
A new supplier on the scene is the well-established outdoor apparel company VAUDE. They have exactly one snap-it equipped trunk bag, the Silkroad L model. It looks more like a traditional trunk bag and is bit more functional than the TALIS. Both bags have about the same capacity of around 8l. The price is also about the same, around $60USD. Neither one is waterproof (a big upside to the non-racktime Ortlieb) both come with a rain cover.
I've included a link to a Spanish consolidator site, TrekINN. VAUDE Silkroad L Snap-it
I like the look of this bag better and it has the functionality of being able to lash stuff to the top if you run out of space or you just want to leave the bag on the bike (see lock below) and grab what you need off the top.
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
Another reason I like the snap-it system is that you can buy a lock that integrates nicely without another cable or other obvious security device.
So that's pretty much it as of May 2017 if you want to buy a snap-it equipped trunk bag. Like I said there are many other options out there, including DIY and Ortlieb's universal rack fastening system. I ordered my Silkroad L this week and it should arrive in the US within the next week or so. I'll post a pic here when I get it and mount it on my ST2.
So, we are left with either using something else that works pretty well, or looking to the EU for bags that are compatible with the 60mm narrow Racktime rear rack that comes on the ST series. The beauty of the snap-it system is that with a turn of the wrench, you can use them on either the 60mm or 90mm Racktime racks. They are also easy to attach and detach and stay firmly secured to the rack when in use. Using the snap-it system also has a very clean appearance, especially if you're only looking for an urban trunk bag, as opposed to a full pannier array. You can always buy just the snap-it adapter on its own and attach it to any bag you want, if you have the right hardware to make sure its durable and stable while in use. Their youtube video shows taking a wooden record crate and doing just that, but I personally don't want to mess with that.
I wanted to start this thread because most of the links on the 2015 thread are dead or lead to discontinued, out-of stock products and, as I mentioned, suppliers for snap-it products have changed. So, after searching for some time on various sites, I found exactly two actively sold trunk bags equipped with the snap-it system. Both of them are only available from suppliers outside of the U.S., so you should plan for the lag time accordingly.
The Racktime TALIS trunk bag is available from various online bike retailers. I've included a link to a popular site in Germany, ROSE bike. Being the official Racktime bag, there are no worries about compatibility to the ST2 rack. It runs about $60USD and looks pretty nice.

A new supplier on the scene is the well-established outdoor apparel company VAUDE. They have exactly one snap-it equipped trunk bag, the Silkroad L model. It looks more like a traditional trunk bag and is bit more functional than the TALIS. Both bags have about the same capacity of around 8l. The price is also about the same, around $60USD. Neither one is waterproof (a big upside to the non-racktime Ortlieb) both come with a rain cover.
I've included a link to a Spanish consolidator site, TrekINN. VAUDE Silkroad L Snap-it
I like the look of this bag better and it has the functionality of being able to lash stuff to the top if you run out of space or you just want to leave the bag on the bike (see lock below) and grab what you need off the top.
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

Another reason I like the snap-it system is that you can buy a lock that integrates nicely without another cable or other obvious security device.
So that's pretty much it as of May 2017 if you want to buy a snap-it equipped trunk bag. Like I said there are many other options out there, including DIY and Ortlieb's universal rack fastening system. I ordered my Silkroad L this week and it should arrive in the US within the next week or so. I'll post a pic here when I get it and mount it on my ST2.