$1200 Late Fee, Returning Citibike (rental)


Well-Known Member
Piedmont Highlands
For Christmas, Citi Bike got the best unofficial endorsement of all time.

The beleagured bike share program got a huge boost this holiday season from a Brooklyn man who, somehow, managed to ride one of the lumbering blue bicycles across the United States. Said guy took to the journey in a scenario straight out of Forrest Gump. "I was always expecting my job to get better, or to get a different job or for something to come along. When it didn't, I ended up leaving in early August," Jeffrey Tanenhaus told NBC New York. Tanenhaus just felt like riding.

Since he departed the city on August 6, Tanenhaus has covered 2,700 miles, passed through 17 states, and incurred $1,200 in late fees, which is the max charge for a lost or stolen bicycle. For anyone that's ridden a citi bike before, it should come as no surprise that Tanenhaus has replaced the bike's seat, pedals, and tires to better accommodate his trip. Tanenhaus plans on docking the bike like any normal Joe when he arrives back in the city (by way of it.) Exactly why Tanenhaus decided to take up this journey on one of the least adequate bicycles in recent history, though, remains a mystery.
