turbo s

  1. Jan Hermanson

    4000 miles - 6400 km on Turbo S

    For those few that still ride the good old Turbo's I thought I'd share my experiences with my 2016 Turbo S up 'til now. I bought the bike 1 yr and 11 months ago (important as you will find below) and live in Stockholm, Sweden. I am using my Turbo S as my commuter vehicle - 30 km total distance...
  2. Erik Nyström

    Specialized turbo s wiring harness wanted!

    Hi, I need to replace my wiring harness on my 2014 Turbo S. Is there anyone that knews were to find it? Br Erik
  3. ronin2000

    2016 Turbo S vs 2016 Stromer St2

    Hey guys, new to the forum and somewhat long time lurker. Im pretty torn between waiting to see whats coming out (2017 Vado) vs getting a 2016 Turbo S now. Just test rode the Turbo S and the Stromer ST2. ST2 has more bells and whistles, much better range real world, and a few cool gimmicks...
  4. Jan Hermanson

    Fender job on the Turbo S - an unorthodox approach

    For those that use your high speed pedelec in wet, snowy or muddy conditions and want to arrive at your destination dry and clean, you know that the Specialized fender pack to the Turbo S is not very forgiving. It looks great and slick but does not give much protection to the lower part of your...