
  1. S

    Best 28mph Pedelec Urban Bike?

    I am in the market for an urban/hybrid style, flat bar e-bike. I live in Southern California and will be using it mostly to ride to my local downtown area (3.5 miles one way) and occasionally to work (10 miles one way). There is a slight incline one both routes for a portion of the ride but...
  2. OJS

    Juiced CrossCruurent or... (Haibike)

    Hey all - happy to have found this great community & all its resources! I'm looking to buy my first ebike for my 13-mile (mostly flat) commute to work 2x/week. Pedelec / 28mph is important as I'm looking to cut down the commute time. I've read a lot abt rear hub, geared rear hub vs mid-drive &...
  3. joseph w


    I'm looking for my first electric bike, but here's the thing. i live in NYC. after a lot of detailed researching, i have figured out EXACTLY the requirements that need to be met in order for me to LEGALLY ride an e-bike in NYC. if anyone would be so kind as to help me find the best bike that...
  4. Albe215

    Haibike All Mountain Pro Question/Help

    Hi there, I purchased a Haibike All Mountain Pro 2016 and got it about 3 months ago. I absolutely love the bike and I'm always looking for ways to improve. Specifically, I like many others, want to find a way to go beyond the 20mph limit. I have tried the Dongle in the past(this is my second...