
  1. Dentman333

    New England Seacoast Ebike Expo October 13, 2019

    Seacoast Ebike Expo - SABR (Seacoast Area Bicycle Riders) and CommuteSmart are sponsoring the first ever Ebike event in New England at Stratham Hill Park in Stratham NH on Sunday October 13 11am-2pm. Come and see the new models and take a test ride! Win an Ebike raffle!
  2. J.R.

    The Dirty Dozen - A 37% Grade Hill Climb in Pittsburgh

    A big cycling event takes place every year in Pennsylvania following Thanksgiving and part of the event includes the steepest public street in the world, Canton Avenue. Canton Avenue is a 37% grade hill and is one of thirteen hills in the Dirty Dozen bicycle competition. The event did contain...