eahora am100

  1. SLONomad

    Mystery solved

    I have been tweaking/riding/tweaking the AM100 for several weeks now and was always mystified by its underwhelming performance on hills and its inability to attain the advertised 28 mph speed. Today I realized what might be the reason. Riding with the screen set to display the amp hours being...
  2. Jared M

    Looking for first real E-Bike . eAhora XC100+ / X5 / X7 / AM100 ???

    Guys, Looking for some advice on my next eBike. Goal: Find a more suitable bike between 1000-1500 USD on Amazon. Decent range, ability to bring groceries/backpack and potentially attach a trailer for my dog. Mostly paved trails or well groomed trails. No serious Mountain biking here...