
  1. ellery_nistler

    Need Help with DIY eBike Project

    Hello, I am currently building my own budget eBike using a pulley drive train, and right now it's not working. I'm a beginner, so I could really appreciate some help! Here are the parts I'm using: Motor - Battery - Speed Controller -...
  2. T

    New ebiker in Portland, OR

    Hi, glad to be here!I recently finished my first ebike build after having an interest in ebikes for a few years. I was looking at factory built options but the price vs performance factor left a lot to be desired. And building an bike let me create exatly what I wanted. I got a Bafang BBS02 750w...
  3. Dewey

    BBS01 on a 2017 Breezer Downtown 8 ST

    Getting back in the saddle after recovering from a broken leg I decided to get a new step through bike and swap over the BBS01 motor, rear cog, and commuting accessories from my old bike. Had to remove the Breezer chainguard so replaced it with a Hebie chainglider, which meant I had to remove...
  4. G

    Building Single Speed Ebike - Bafang Mid Drive motor

    Hi, I'm looking into building an Ebike with my existing single speed bike with a Bafang 250W Mid Drive Motor. I was wondering if it is recommended to do so? I understand that mid drive motor prob works the best/the most efficient with gears but from a cost saving perspective, I prefer not...