bike lanes

  1. E

    15 Reasons I may not be riding in the bike lane.

  2. Chris Nolte

    Bike Infrastructure Tour in Amsterdam with Meredith Glaser of the Urban Cycling Institute

    Urban Arrow arranged for a bike infrastructure tour while we were in town for their International Dealer Conference. I wanted to share this tour as I think it provides some really great explanations of what infrastructure in Amsterdam exists and how it works. More about Meredith and her...
  3. Christopher Castillo

    Cycle Tracks/Protected Bike Lanes: Safe?

    My city recently installed a protected bike lane (also known as a cycle track) next to a busy street, and I've been using it on my daily commute for about 8 months. Based on my experience with this cycle track, it seems to be generally unsafe for multiple reasons, where it's got to the point...
  4. Over50

    Safety and bike lanes

    The link below is not about an e-bike accident so pardon me for posting it here. I felt the need since it is particularly upsetting to me as it is on my commuting route (and I used this bike lane today both before and after this accident) in an area where I really want to see cycling thrive. My...