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  1. C

    Say Hello To Storm

    Gus, I won't be surprised to see his face on a Post Office wall someday o_O Back when this thread started who woulda thunk 359 posts later people would be talking about buying insurance on whether this thing gets delivered on time - next week when they offer airbags on this thing as a last...
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    Say Hello To Storm

    Well, biknut - my NJ BS meter has dropped from 99% down to right about 50% after watching Courts interview. I hope the guy pulls it off, and delivers on his word. I will say that my NJ BS meter was redlining when the Agency 2.0 guy was on camera. I sorta felt like taking a shower after watching...
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    Say Hello To Storm

    Gus, Can I just pick it up in China? Clark
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    Say Hello To Storm

    biknut, I read and agree with the wordpress blog. I hope these two are "dreamers", innocents if you will, who got hooked up with Agency 2.0 who took it upon themselves to embelish everything, who calls themselves a manufacturing fulfillment genius? Or manufacturing design genius, when as stated...
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    Say Hello To Storm

    Court, A while back you sought feedback from the EBR community on maybe allowing others (well known members) to help you on different areas of the site. I argued against that, at least in any major type of input, because people like me come here to get YOUR perspective, because over time I've...
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    Say Hello To Storm

    Ann - just so you know - that's Ravi making a Joke - an ebike without waterbottle cage mounts happens to be Court's kryptonite - his main pet-peeve, you must be newish here not to know that, which is fine, but you won't find a more knowledgeable, diligent person on EBR who cares about the future...
  7. C

    Say Hello To Storm

    Guys, did you read the bio they put out on this guy? Any baseball fans here? It reminded me of Sidd Finch ala Plimpton. American (accent) guy lived in Hong Kong as an Industrial engineer designing toys for Mickeyd's happy meals, but he's not into computers or cellphones and he like's the off the...
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    Electric mid motored fat bike under $2k on Kickstarter now! Who's in?

    Hey guys, funny coincidence, after reading about the BS that Kaldeem had to go through I thought about the RIIDE review that Court had done and re-watched it. Good price $1799, you can check out the spec's, , anyway I was curious to see if they had delivered the...
  9. C

    Personal Loan for e-bike

    Kaldeem, It's been my experience with EBR, that although very few of us here actually know each other, save for Court meeting people on his travels, everyone kinda pulls for each other, wishes them the best in their pursuit of this new form of transportation, is interested in the decisions...
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    The Netherlands - world's first solar bike path

    Brambor - this explains the bike path and power output of the cells a little further. After looking at the article it dawns on me how truly we are at the infancy of this type of project, can you imagine the cost of installing a path like that on any kind of legitimate scale? More R&D needs to...
  11. C

    The Netherlands - world's first solar bike path Great idea if it work's as planned. Clark
  12. C

    U.S. won't have this problem anytime soon

    Sorry, fixed it. Clark
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    U.S. won't have this problem anytime soon

    Wouldn't it be great if this was a problem we had to figure out. Clark
  14. C

    Proposal: Removing the Deals Section of EBR Community

    Court, After reading all of the heady discussions above, I only come away with one question: What's the OFFICIAL slogan of EBR? Can you say EBR user poll? Clark
  15. C

    Updating EBR, Need Your Input!

    Court, a comment and a suggestion or two. The changes, expandable/collapsible categories etc, are an improvement, especially for going back to a review to find a specific detail. Think hard about the wiki thing, I have real world experience in this area, besides the obvious potential problems...
  16. C

    House burns down due to exploding bike battery

    "In the last 16 months, we've had five of these lithium battery-type fires," Derlacki said. Bend, Oregon pop. is 80k, pretty high fire rate for that size population, right?
  17. C

    Need an ebike that will climb a stiff grade on my commute

    Allen, like water off a duck's back, ya know? What I like about EBR is that although you have people of all different stripes here, we all share one thing in common, interest in ebikes, which I think, like it or not, makes everyone here a bit of a nonconformist, to me this is a good thing. When...
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    Help choosing...knowledge challenge! : )

    @BenS, look up LongIslandElectricBikes, they have 2014 Izip E3 Metro for $2380, listen to Brambor, this time of year you should be able to find good deals on 2014's, next years models are on their way. Don't be afraid to haggle for a better price. Also scroll through Court's review's for cargo...
  19. C

    New Bike Lock

    Came across this today - . Cool idea. Clark
  20. C

    Feeling good

    Uhh 86? Leave the effin power ON, I look forward to your peculiar sanity on these pages... Clark