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  1. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    I believe this is the case. I bought another controller with a lower voltage rating to see if this was the problem. How ever the results were the same. I then did a multimeter reading direct into the battery it's self. One pin was reading 35v and the other 41v so my only option left is change...
  2. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    I have now done a multimeter reading on the battery to the controller. It sits default on 38v drops to 29v when throttling then as soon as the wheel moves it jumps to 41v and stays there. The only way I can keep the bike on and running is by running it for 2 sec then let it rest back to 38v and...
  3. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    So as it stands bike is powered on. P14 is set to 8. I have 38v once I hit the throttle it's jumps to 41v with 1a then it Cutts out.
  4. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    I shall get working on it just now and try to get as much information as I can gather.
  5. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    Thank you for the help it's very much appreciated. I have ran countless tests for over a week now and the direct power supply giving it the 42v makes me more sertin that it is a battery issue. Do you think a batter with 36v but higher ah would give it the power it needs or would I need a 46v...
  6. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    I have run a test with the power supply plugged in and it runs fine. No problems what so ever.
  7. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    I have tried lowering all the settings trying to find the sweet spot but for some reason the opposite effect happens. Where I give it the power and then it's as if the bike just can't be bothered so it shuts down again. Would the to torque sensor cause this to happen?
  8. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    I have just ran a self learn test and it's just the same result, the wheel spins up runs for 3-5 sec then just shuts off. Based on these results I believe the battery is just to weak to handle it. Which is a shame because it's nearly used and still in good health.
  9. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    I did a self learn test last week when building it reset the computer to factory this was when I was trying to get the right combination of the phase wires. I will give it another go today once I get in from work. On the note of lift test it does the same thing, runs for a bit then Cutts off...
  10. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    Yes it does have this setting, I have set it to 36v. After running more tests I believe the problem is the battery itself, it could be the battery just isn't strong enough and the controller is pulling to much power from the battery, triggering the bms. I though changing the voltage, gear and...
  11. Westfall

    Battery cutting off.

    Hello all, I have a problem here that's just iching my brain for days now. I have installed a new brainpower motor and throttle to my e mountain bike. Everything is working as it should with one problem. The battery is cutting out. No matter if I use full throttle or in bursts or even slightly...