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  1. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    Both steel and aluminium should be able to handle a small drill hole don't you think? So I can fasten the torque arm really securely. I think I will do this. I don't think the wheel will come off if a strong structure like that is keeping it in place.
  2. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    Yeah thanks. Looking at one of my videos you can see that I have torque washers on the inside there. But maybe I could also strengthen this whole thing with extra torque arms. Just not sure where to anchor them. Maybe on the inside there where the washers are as well? The torque arms you linked...
  3. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    Yeah could probably grind them off with an angle grinder or something? Yeah motor is quite small. This is not going to have a very high top speed. Will shoot in 500 watts approximately. At the most 600 watts in a slope perhaps. What type of fasteners would you go for? Something similar to torque...
  4. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    It is too bad that it cannot be used right away, because it looks like the wheel sits pretty well in place between the forks now and it spins pretty well on the throttle. But if you guys think this is dangerous I will either change the fork, or if you think the other fork does not work either...
  5. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    Ok check this out. This one I had lying around. It is also a budget fork but it has pretty solid dropouts I think. But I don't know if it would work to switch this type of fork with the one sitting on the bike. The vintage type of screws that puts the other fork in place right now are that old...
  6. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    Yeah, but then I know at least. And I think I will either change the fork, since I have one in mind, but I am not sure if it will fit. Will show you when I get home later today. Or if it does not fit I will probably throw away the frame. I actrually bought this and got hold of a strong big front...
  7. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    I am trying to send this video where I do the best that I can to film it, while not being able to hold my phone at the same time :) To answer both of your questions, I have what looks like a torque washer on one side and on the other side, where the cable is, the torque washer basically sits...
  8. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    Is that what it does? I thought those things were only so that the wheel did not come off when extra torque was applied or something. Hmm good to know. So what they also do is to load the fork instead of the dropouts huh? ok But then the hole in the torque arm is the one most important right...
  9. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    It mounts solidly when clamped in towards the middle via the bolts. But as you can see from my second/middle video above it is smaller in diameter than the dropout holes. So it sits in place via sideways pressure. Maybe a torque arm would be enough to hold this together? So if it gets loose the...
  10. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    Hmm I have clamped it in with the bolts so I guess it is quite tight. Do you mean an ordinary torque arm that just prevents the wheel from coming of if it spins out of the dropout? Kind of like this simple one here would work...
  11. E

    New bike with weird front dropout - Need to fit front hub

    So I have gotten hold of this used bike and are going to make something out of it. I have been a tinker for quite some time. Anyway the dropout looks superweird and I think the previous owner have welded on some adjuster metal-plates there to make his previous wheel fit or something. Anyway...
  12. E

    New bike with weird dropout. Need to fit front hub

    So I've gotten hold of an old bike with a rather weird dropout where I think the previous owner has welded on adjusting-metal plates to make the dropout fit his wheel or something. Anyway I need to fit the front hub motor wheel in the videos here. Any idea o how to do it? Is it ok to fit one...
  13. E

    Changing BMS

    So I have this faulty BMS on my ebike battery. And I am going to change it out. But I cannot exactly remember how I did it the last time. Is this the order I need to do it in? step 1: disconnect main negative of the old bms step 2: solder on main negative from the new bms to battery main...
  14. E

    Battery has weird values from different sides

    Hi I have built my first battery pack. In my first video here you can see where I measure from the first negative cell group, which is of course the first lonely negative cell-group of seven cells. There are no parallells going from this negative cell-group, because they start at the other...