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  1. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    I'd rather use the old Mission Control anyway. As far as Tuning goes the old interface is more intuitive and straightforward to use. Updated software rarely offers more advantage to the user. New software is across the board is a 'pay more or get locked out proposition'
  2. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    Further Update It has been about a month now without any further update from Specialized Uk customer care so I'm not hopeful of any assistance. However I have found a 'work round' for anyone caught out with the new 'Mission Control' app not working with Gen 1 Levo's. Here's how I managed to get...
  3. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    UPDATE I sent a help request to in the USA. They referred it back to Specialized tech UK who emailed me promptly asking for further details. I sent the following report of our observations to them. Observations 1. In order to connect any of the batteries including the new one...
  4. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    Stefan I think the new app flashes a Mastermind TCU status to the battery so hence the possibility it blocks other bluetooth connections.
  5. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    Stefan How do I make it forget the bluetooth connection. And how do I stop it becoming a companion app?
  6. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    No. That doesn't work. Once the new app connects to the bike it flashes a new programme to the BMS to lock out all comms via bluetooth with any other app. It is over for BLEVo. This is the official announcement from BLEVo See link...
  7. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    Lucky for me I realized the issue having tried to re set one bike only after loading the new app. For the record the bikes I have the issue with is a 2018 levo with a 460wa battery. My spare battery was a 400wa version of unknown age to me. I was very lucky I didn't try to verify the problem by...
  8. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    All those instructions were followed. As explained I took it to one of the biggest main Specialized dealers in the Uk. They checked the batteries on the official Specialized battery testing software suite. One battery cleared test as fully functioning the other one had some unspecified...
  9. jamesfox

    Specialized Turbo - No Security Features Working and now No App Connection.....fixed.

    Here's my recent experience with the new 'MISSION CONTROL' app. I have four Levo turbos in the family. I recently went to change a tune on one Levo and was informed that the Red Mission control app was no longer supported and basically railroaded into using the new Black Mission control app...