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  1. B

    Bafang G062-1000W VESC (controller) Retrofit

    Yea I need to run through all this so we can figure out what we got going and what the VESC Settings need to be. I've been super busy the past few days so i haven't had the time to finish this up. We will though. I have my Surface Pro 11 now. So i need to make the mount for that. And most...
  2. B

    Bafang G062-1000W VESC (controller) Retrofit

    And were back. I'm just thinking about all of the Bafang RM G062.1000.D 6T (H550) motor specifications and getting ready to do the calculations for some of the Tronix 250R VESC settings. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to put the information here, so we will. I should be hooking it up soon, just...
  3. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Alright I had some time to think a little more about the battery configuration and Tronix 250R VESC controller setup. The controller is rated 120A and 24V to 100.8V. This is not meaning that the Tronix 250R can pull 120A at 100.8V it means it can pull 120A at 24V. Right? Cause as the voltage...
  4. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    This actually is not a good solution. If the converters worked correctly it would be one thing. But i guess they can't handle it even though they are rated to. I'm investigating in making my own but the cost is probably high. Im better off spending my money on the batteries to get to 48V. That's...
  5. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    There is an answer to this problem. A real simple one too. It will allow to do exactly what I said. We just need 1 or 2 of these depending on how many amps you want to run...
  6. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    I wish. It seems they only have that size. They do have the rectangular packs. But i haven't researched them. I'm trying to see if I can get away with keeping at lower voltages. The torque will be amazing but top speed might get hurt. Possibly not though cause the added torque will more easily...
  7. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Yea I'm sold other than the price. But mann I really want these. Rated Capacity:40Ah Nominal Voltage:2.3V Internal Impedance:≤1.0mΩ Working Voltage:1.5-2.9V Max Continuous Charge Current:240A Max Pulse Discharge Current:400A Weight:1240.0g per cell I...
  8. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Well this is interesting. I thought anyway.
  9. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    The main reasons for potting are to 100% waterproof. And thermal transfer. They have potting material with high thermal transfer rates to pull the heat out to the case. It also does like you say. It stabilizes the temperature of the circuit board or Battery. It helps to make all the components a...
  10. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Well did a little more research on the meanwell. And you can parallel connect them. The 2 480H drivers will work. So that's good. I don't have to worry about a charger and it's way faster. I'll just run it through the primary B leads to the bms so it's like regen. Then I can set the bms to turn...
  11. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Yea the hlg480 would be able to charge batteries but not in parallel by itself. I can set the voltage between 0 an 10. Then it outputs that constant up to 480 watts. I could use constant current mode and output to a RC Charging station and charge the pack as a whole. Up to 108 volts. Here's...
  12. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Yep all good stuff. I don't have the resources to build the battery yet. I want to build one but I have to buy everything for it. I need to build / put together a good spot welder. Then I'm ready. Probably use the molicell. I have 2 450 watt dc power supply / meanwell drivers. And a bunch of...
  13. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Good points about the cell Temps. I know what you saying about hot and cold effects. Seems like it would be best to put the thermistor in the middle of the pack. Where ever the hottest spot you can get to. I'm not too much worried about the cooler Temps. But high Temps yea. To get max amps out...
  14. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    If I had the intention of just riding on a stock setup I'd probably vent the motor and upgrade the connectors. At least to XT-60 or XT-90 but other than that I'd leave it. I'm sure I will push this motor until something gives so I did a ton of research to see what issues people are having...
  15. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    They use fiberglass insulators on the inside of the motor. Over top of the normal insulation. The 8GA Silicon is rated at 200C so it's plenty good. The motor shouldn't really ever go over 150C and even that could be way to hot. My only fear of fiberglass is that over time from flexing or...
  16. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Right.... I have been in my trades for 30 years now. God i wish i was in my 20s. I make a really good wage. Especially I live in a rural area with a very low cost of living. But I have 7 kids and a wife so it don't go far. The best part of my job is the equipment i have access to. It opens up...
  17. B

    UPP 48V 24AH Model: R049-6

    Now lets go ahead and move on with the battery. Lets compare the 2 different lg cells. LG INR21700M48F 21700 17.4Wh Li-ion Battery cells ---->> This is what's in the battery. This is what was specked by UPP. Lithium Ion INR21700 M50 18.20Wh The pack is 13S 5P- Damm I lost some photos on my...
  18. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Certainly it is not a project to take on if you lack the proper tools and knowledge of safe practices. And then of course you have to know all the math involved with building a pack. But I believe some of the people on here could do it safely. I know I can. Far as my 3D models go them are worth...
  19. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Well that's good to know. I really think I'm gonna pot my battery. I could use electrical silicon that's clear but there's better stuff with higher thermal transfer rates. When I bought my battery the LG was the best I could find. I would have bought Samsung. Really the best is the Molicell...
  20. B

    Nice Feature on a Hub Drive

    Hummmmm.... One thing to add. You notice that that ground tab is bent. When my rack broke my battery fell and it must have moved inside the case. I think when im done i will machine my own aluminum case for it and pot the whole pack in the case. That would be really safe but a pita if you ever...